I recently had the opportunity to attend FIS Emerald in Orlando, FL from May 26-29, 2024. Lasting over three fast-paced days, this conference is…
Research related to TSoftPlus
Yes, I DO think there is a strong connection between banking technology and sports car racing, so buckle your seat belts. Last week I had the op…
The migration of on premise banking applications to private and public cloud deployment has been underway for over a past decade.Early migration…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
The commercial loan origination and underwriting process still looks the same as it did 20 years ago. It starts with developing leads and fleshi…
Over the past five years, a few banks have mastered the formula for success in small loan origination. They are leveraging their incumbent advan…
From every crisis springs innovation. From the financial crisis of the late 2000s, seeds of small business credit innovation were sown, fertiliz…
Going into 2020, traditional banking approaches to credit were already under strain. The data and analytics revolution pioneered by Big Tech had…
In 2018 ING embarked on a multiyear program to reimagine application development and drive change within an agile, at-scale transformation frame…
Commercial loan origination has historically been complex and inefficient, requiring many disparate, disconnected steps to be completed, startin…
Anyone with experience in banking knows that lending is a cyclical business meaning that problems also come in waves. In other words, problem lo…
While LIBOR transition is a major program, it was never based on an immovable date like “the year 2000” (Y2K). It now seems possible that transi…
At the beginning of 2020, Corporate Banking revenue trends continued their annual upward trajectory. Just a few months later, those trends drama…
COVID-19 has taken an enormous human and economic toll on the world, and financial institutions globally are helping to implement government pro…
Loan application submissions under the SBA's Paycheck Protection Program (part of the US CARES Act) started slowly as lenders waited for clarifi…
Research related to Passport® Claims Defense e-Billing and Matter Management for P&C Insurers
The imperative for financial institutions (FIs) to continuously add new technology capabilities drives them to evaluate existing systems to mode…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
This report is a companion piece to the Global IT report and focuses solely on North American Wealth Management IT Spending which includes Canad…
The current banking crisis in 2023 has so far focused on large regional and national banks that have had liquidity issues leading to a bank run…
The science of artificial intelligence is complicated. The technologies or sub domains that make up AI such as machine learning and natural lang…
Over three weeks in September 2022, Celent Banking team ran an online survey where we invited our contacts in the industry – clients and non-cli…
Last week, my colleague Kieran Hines and I attended FinovateEurope 2022, which was back in London as an in-person event again, and it was such a…
The marketing statements of financial institutions have for years touted“customer-first”, “customer 360”; and “omnichannel communications” to de…
Implementing changes has always required various human and technology resources. Wealth management (WM) firms have generally employed specific p…
Insurance is a promise to pay, someday in the future, maybe. Policy forms are the expression of this promise in writing. Creating and maintainin…
Mortgage, home equity, and auto lenders utilize many core and ancillary technologies from the point of sale through loan onboarding to the servi…
Digital acceleration, if it wasn’t in the property casualtyinsurance vernacular prior to the pandemic, is now. Layer in the disrupting waves tha…
Intelligent automation projects are worth exploring as they can directly decrease the cost of operations while improving scalability and reducin…
The road ahead consists of constant virtual collaboration. For many wealth managers, current digital workflows are acceptable but not exceptiona…
This Solution Brief discusses one solution which delivers this new vision for claims teams, seeks to leverage the configurability of the low cod…
Research related to OneSumX: KYC
Fighting financial crime has jumped to the top of Risk priorities in 2024, with a majority of Risk executives citing it as one of their top thre…
I recently attended an executive roundtable of the heads of AML, Sanctions and Screening programs for some prominent global banks and fintechs.…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
While artificial intelligence has been selectively implemented to help banks fight financial crime, recent breakthroughs in AI technology promis…
Celent recently published the Dimensions: IT Pressures and Priorities report series. This annual survey of bank executives worldwide is used to…
About the Showcase Gen AI is the hottest topic in the industry right now. Insurers are reaching out daily with questions and the need for advice…
With the acceleration of digital access in financial services, fraud technology has developed into a complex ecosystem of solutions aimed at sec…
Financial crime compliance operations are plagued with perhaps the most severe efficiency and accuracy issues in financial services. Fortunately…
Legacy technology can be a significant barrier to efficient operations in anti-money laundering and financial crime compliance. Banco do Brasil…
DBS Bank, one of the largest banks in the Asia-Pacific region, has a long-standing reputation for innovation. With AI becoming a more pervasive…
For many years Microsoft Excel was the staple application of finance teams. Perhaps one of the earliest “no-code” solutions, the combination of…
In Celent's enterprise data enablement survey a few years ago, both asset managers and asset owners indicated a renewed trajectory towards enhan…
Watchlist screening has become the most-scrutinized area of AML compliance, and vendor solutions are evolving rapidly, driven by AI, machine lea…
Just as COVID-19 provided the “aha” moment for accelerating digital transformation in the insurance industry, generative AI (Gen AI) is the “aha…
Nasdaq and its subsidiary Verafin, just published their first Global Financial Crime Report. The report is making headlines for the size of its…
Research related to Expere
The imperative for financial institutions (FIs) to continuously add new technology capabilities drives them to evaluate existing systems to mode…
The current banking crisis in 2023 has so far focused on large regional and national banks that have had liquidity issues leading to a bank run…
The science of artificial intelligence is complicated. The technologies or sub domains that make up AI such as machine learning and natural lang…
Over three weeks in September 2022, Celent Banking team ran an online survey where we invited our contacts in the industry – clients and non-cli…
The marketing statements of financial institutions have for years touted“customer-first”, “customer 360”; and “omnichannel communications” to de…
Insurance is a promise to pay, someday in the future, maybe. Policy forms are the expression of this promise in writing. Creating and maintainin…
Mortgage, home equity, and auto lenders utilize many core and ancillary technologies from the point of sale through loan onboarding to the servi…
The road ahead consists of constant virtual collaboration. For many wealth managers, current digital workflows are acceptable but not exceptiona…
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, a shift in regulatory, economic, and technological requirements has fundamentally changed the advisor/client rela…
It took just a few days this March for a booming US economy to stop in its tracks, and a few weeks to end a 10-year bull market. As markets crat…
The coronavirus pandemic has fundamentally shifted how advisors engage and communicate with their clients. Those positioned to lead in this envi…
First Foundation Bank is a $6.3 billion asset institution focused on private wealth management, personal banking, and business banking. Founded…
This large, national, digital financial institution created a digital mortgage platform using inhouse and customized third party point-of-sale (…
Update to the Report Not your Grandfather's Wealth Manager: Digitizing the Legacy Platform This report, now titledThe Front Office Is Powered By…
The home lending industry is in the early stages of digital disruption that retail deposit, credit card, and personal lending sectors have alrea…
Research related to OneSumX Proviso
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
In 2024, technological turbulence – generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), digital asset adoption, increased fraud and cyber risk – will r…
When 2023 opened with the scare of an SVB-led financial contagion, financial risk topped the list of CRO concerns. With that crisis averted, ope…
Recorded on October 31, 2023. The first waves of Gen AI are hitting the shore as FIs test use cases in call centers. But Risk Leaders see a tsun…
Few financial institutions have yet to implement Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) technology in their operations, however, both large…
Recorded on July 19, 2023. Want to hear more about the current state of technology strategy and investment prioritization in the industry? Our w…
Operational resilience regulation is spurring GRC transformation in financial institutions - more urgently in countries with high regulatory req…
To facilitate adoption of AI and Machine Learning across the bank, CIBC built a shared AI/ML Platform in the Cloud. By taking care of governance…
With rising foreign investment in Vietnam, VP Bank wanted to offer their corporate customers currency and interest rate swaps, but the banks’ co…
Bank of America's Operational Intelligence team developed Virtual On-Watch to automate incident response workflows. The tool improves operationa…
Industry standards are defined by industry-wide acceptance. It is that universality that makes them so hard to establish, and so useful once the…
Increasingly, risk offices at financial institutions are using advanced data management and artificial intelligence (AI), orchestration, high-pe…
Recorded on October 27th, 2022 Geopolitical and economic headwinds, following straight on the heels of the pandemic, highlight the need for resi…
Previsory is a portmanteau word coined by Celent to describe a forward-looking view of technology, and advice on how to respond to and leverage…
Geopolitical and economic headwinds, following straight on the heels of the pandemic, highlight the need for resilience and agility in Risk func…
Research related to OneSumX® Reg Manager
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
In 2024, technological turbulence – generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), digital asset adoption, increased fraud and cyber risk – will r…
When 2023 opened with the scare of an SVB-led financial contagion, financial risk topped the list of CRO concerns. With that crisis averted, ope…
Recorded on October 31, 2023. The first waves of Gen AI are hitting the shore as FIs test use cases in call centers. But Risk Leaders see a tsun…
Few financial institutions have yet to implement Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) technology in their operations, however, both large…
Recorded on July 19, 2023. Want to hear more about the current state of technology strategy and investment prioritization in the industry? Our w…
Operational resilience regulation is spurring GRC transformation in financial institutions - more urgently in countries with high regulatory req…
To facilitate adoption of AI and Machine Learning across the bank, CIBC built a shared AI/ML Platform in the Cloud. By taking care of governance…
With rising foreign investment in Vietnam, VP Bank wanted to offer their corporate customers currency and interest rate swaps, but the banks’ co…
Bank of America's Operational Intelligence team developed Virtual On-Watch to automate incident response workflows. The tool improves operationa…
Industry standards are defined by industry-wide acceptance. It is that universality that makes them so hard to establish, and so useful once the…
Increasingly, risk offices at financial institutions are using advanced data management and artificial intelligence (AI), orchestration, high-pe…
Recorded on October 27th, 2022 Geopolitical and economic headwinds, following straight on the heels of the pandemic, highlight the need for resi…
Previsory is a portmanteau word coined by Celent to describe a forward-looking view of technology, and advice on how to respond to and leverage…
Geopolitical and economic headwinds, following straight on the heels of the pandemic, highlight the need for resilience and agility in Risk func…
Research related to Lien Solutions Real Property Search and Recordation
The core banking system technology market for community banks continues to modernize at a steady pace. Vendors continue to proactively and profi…
The CFPB's proposals for Section 1033 mark the beginning of a new era for open banking in the US. Assuming the proposals that are published in O…
I recently had the opportunity to attend FIS Emerald in Orlando, FL from May 26-29, 2024. Lasting over three fast-paced days, this conference is…
Yes, I DO think there is a strong connection between banking technology and sports car racing, so buckle your seat belts. Last week I had the op…
Consumer credit scoring has existed for decades. It evolved from being a custom analytic product used within financial institutions to being a g…
The migration of on premise banking applications to private and public cloud deployment has been underway for over a past decade.Early migration…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
Among the many US federal policy changes, laws, and Federal Reserve actions initiated during the pandemic, loan forbearance has so far proven to…
Next week’s US Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) Annual Convention in Philadelphia (https://www.mba.org/conferences-and-education/annual-conven…
The current banking crisis in 2023 has so far focused on large regional and national banks that have had liquidity issues leading to a bank run…
Celent recently hosted an in-person event, Navigating Turbulence, in New York City. I had the great opportunity to lead the cloud computing sess…
Celent has released a new survey-based report specifically for retail lending channel owners that covers digital loan technology adoption by ban…
One of the main visions of fintech innovation in banking during the past decade has been the creation of new digital banking marketplaces enable…
Many homeowners who’d like to move are staying put because they have an attractive mortgage rate that they don’t want to give up; a portable mor…
Over three weeks in September 2022, Celent Banking team ran an online survey where we invited our contacts in the industry – clients and non-cli…
Research related to Corporate Actions Suite
In May 2024, barring any further delays, the United States and Canada will be shortening their trade settlement cycles from a two-day settlement…
Treasury and capital markets divisions at banks continue to struggle with the trilemma of complying with regulatory changes and meeting evolving…
The race is on to get lean and agile. Unfortunately, capital markets firms continue to struggle with common operational and technology challenge…
Corporate actions processing has lagged other areas in technology innovation. However, developments in new technology and low-cost operating mod…
Join us for this presentation by Arin Ray addressing corporate actions automation and how to leverage innovative technology to improving efficie…
A failure to elect on a corporate action due to an operational error can hurt the beneficiary financially. This exposes the firm to scrutiny abo…
With a more relaxed US regulatory climate, tax reform and growing cash reserves more public companies are building strategic growth through merg…
With growing volumes and complexities of corporate actions, intensifying regulatory scrutiny on transparency in corporate governance, and dimini…
The pursuit for improving automation levels goes back a long time in the capital markets. Success has been achieved in some areas, but a lot rem…
Intelligent automation-enabled tools promise to offer significant operational and efficiency improvements in the middle and back office in capit…
Research related to OneSumX for Compliance
The CFPB's proposals for Section 1033 mark the beginning of a new era for open banking in the US. Assuming the proposals that are published in O…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
OakNorth is integrating climate transition risk into portfolio risk management. ON Climate provides lenders the ability to assess climate transi…
In 2024, technological turbulence – generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), digital asset adoption, increased fraud and cyber risk – will r…
When 2023 opened with the scare of an SVB-led financial contagion, financial risk topped the list of CRO concerns. With that crisis averted, ope…
Recorded on October 31, 2023. The first waves of Gen AI are hitting the shore as FIs test use cases in call centers. But Risk Leaders see a tsun…
Few financial institutions have yet to implement Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) technology in their operations, however, both large…
Recorded on July 19, 2023. Want to hear more about the current state of technology strategy and investment prioritization in the industry? Our w…
Operational resilience regulation is spurring GRC transformation in financial institutions - more urgently in countries with high regulatory req…
On 12th June 2023 (just yesterday), Nasdaq announced their intentions to acquire Adenza (which itself was created from the coming together of Ca…
To facilitate adoption of AI and Machine Learning across the bank, CIBC built a shared AI/ML Platform in the Cloud. By taking care of governance…
With rising foreign investment in Vietnam, VP Bank wanted to offer their corporate customers currency and interest rate swaps, but the banks’ co…
Bank of America's Operational Intelligence team developed Virtual On-Watch to automate incident response workflows. The tool improves operationa…
Industry standards are defined by industry-wide acceptance. It is that universality that makes them so hard to establish, and so useful once the…
Increasingly, risk offices at financial institutions are using advanced data management and artificial intelligence (AI), orchestration, high-pe…
Research related to OneSumX Regulatory Change Management
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
In 2024, technological turbulence – generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), digital asset adoption, increased fraud and cyber risk – will r…
When 2023 opened with the scare of an SVB-led financial contagion, financial risk topped the list of CRO concerns. With that crisis averted, ope…
Recorded on October 31, 2023. The first waves of Gen AI are hitting the shore as FIs test use cases in call centers. But Risk Leaders see a tsun…
Few financial institutions have yet to implement Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) technology in their operations, however, both large…
Recorded on July 19, 2023. Want to hear more about the current state of technology strategy and investment prioritization in the industry? Our w…
Operational resilience regulation is spurring GRC transformation in financial institutions - more urgently in countries with high regulatory req…
To facilitate adoption of AI and Machine Learning across the bank, CIBC built a shared AI/ML Platform in the Cloud. By taking care of governance…
With rising foreign investment in Vietnam, VP Bank wanted to offer their corporate customers currency and interest rate swaps, but the banks’ co…
Bank of America's Operational Intelligence team developed Virtual On-Watch to automate incident response workflows. The tool improves operationa…
Industry standards are defined by industry-wide acceptance. It is that universality that makes them so hard to establish, and so useful once the…
Increasingly, risk offices at financial institutions are using advanced data management and artificial intelligence (AI), orchestration, high-pe…
Recorded on October 27th, 2022 Geopolitical and economic headwinds, following straight on the heels of the pandemic, highlight the need for resi…
Previsory is a portmanteau word coined by Celent to describe a forward-looking view of technology, and advice on how to respond to and leverage…
Geopolitical and economic headwinds, following straight on the heels of the pandemic, highlight the need for resilience and agility in Risk func…
Research related to OneSumX for Employee Compliance
The CFPB's proposals for Section 1033 mark the beginning of a new era for open banking in the US. Assuming the proposals that are published in O…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
OakNorth is integrating climate transition risk into portfolio risk management. ON Climate provides lenders the ability to assess climate transi…
Recorded on October 31, 2023. The first waves of Gen AI are hitting the shore as FIs test use cases in call centers. But Risk Leaders see a tsun…
On 12th June 2023 (just yesterday), Nasdaq announced their intentions to acquire Adenza (which itself was created from the coming together of Ca…
As the communications channels used in capital markets trading proliferated and became more digital, Societe Generale identified a need to moder…
The specialized technology that supports risk management functions has traditionally been supplied by internal development teams as well as by e…
This year, Celent interviewed 25 chief information officers and senior technology leaders of global market infrastructure (MI) to understand the…
Market Pain Points Risk-centric and market structure regulations continue to create complex requirements that pose integration and information c…
The world had a tough 2020 but, unlike the 2008 financial markets crisis, this time capital markets emerged as the hero as governments worldwide…
Broker-dealers continue to watch how the SEC and FINRA interpret and enforce Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) and Form CRS. On October 26th, th…
Regulation based on principle will generate uncertainty; such are the challenges of interpretation. In the case of Reg BI, the tests involved in…
Employee conduct is critical for financial institutions due to the reputational and regulatory risks. It is a complex, enterprise-wide area invo…
Wealth managers increasingly are recognizing compliance as a business multiplier as opposed to a cost center. The InvestEdge Compliance and Surv…
Improving data management is a journey; in recent years many FIs have been ushering in changes to break down data silos and simplify data archit…
Research related to Wiz Suite of Products
The insurance industry is moving quickly to understand and begin to leverage the unique capabilities of GenAI technology. While most carriers ar…
Currently, there is a great deal of excitement in the artificial intelligence (AI) community about agentic AI, multi-agent systems and GenAI age…
Celent’s overarching theme for corporate banking in 2024 is that future success rests on faster, safer, smarter innovation. Banks must deliver t…
The CFPB's proposals for Section 1033 mark the beginning of a new era for open banking in the US. Assuming the proposals that are published in O…
With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make intelligent predictions, AI has rapidly been adopted across the ba…
Retail loan origination requires the interplay of many internal and external systems to originate, underwrite, and close a loan. These processes…
While artificial intelligence has been selectively implemented to help banks fight financial crime, recent breakthroughs in AI technology promis…
Moving Ahead with GenAI It’s hard to believe how quickly Generative AI (GenAI) technology has gained traction across industries worldwide. Since…
Celent recently published the Dimensions: IT Pressures and Priorities report series. This annual survey of bank executives worldwide is used to…
I recently had the opportunity to attend FIS Emerald in Orlando, FL from May 26-29, 2024. Lasting over three fast-paced days, this conference is…
Yes, I DO think there is a strong connection between banking technology and sports car racing, so buckle your seat belts. Last week I had the op…
About the Showcase Gen AI is the hottest topic in the industry right now. Insurers are reaching out daily with questions and the need for advice…
Consumer credit scoring has existed for decades. It evolved from being a custom analytic product used within financial institutions to being a g…
Consumer data privacy laws, regulations, and protections have existed for decades but are being modernized across the globe in response to digit…
This report represents the second in the 2-part series “The New Wealth Management Paradigm – From Apps to Agents.” The wealth management industr…
Research related to GainsKeeper
To help our clients navigate challenges facing the industry, Celent has developed a new, enhanced approach for tracking financial institution IT…
This report is a companion piece to the Global IT report and focuses solely on North American Wealth Management IT Spending which includes Canad…
Figure 1: Reconciliations past, present and future. This report is a high level overview of the reconciliation technology that is evolving and o…
The fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to have ramifications in a number of areas within capital markets, for example shift to remote wo…
The world had a tough 2020 but, unlike the 2008 financial markets crisis, this time capital markets emerged as the hero as governments worldwide…
Celent research shows that pandemic effects are acting as a catalyst to change imperatives across the investment operations value chain. Specifi…
Investment accounting represents a critical back office function for investment managers, insurers, and corporates—especially when intertwined w…
Shifting end-user demands toward fewer strategic vendor relationships are pressuring vendors to connect more broadly with other providers. Throu…
New requirements spanning multiple regulatory, tax, and accounting regimes— nuanced by strategy, fund type, investor segment and asset class— ar…
The following report provides a high-level landscape of the major vendors within the net asset value (NAV) oversight and contingency ecosystem.…
During the first half of this year, Celent conducted in-depth conversations with global asset managers about their back office NAV oversight and…
Treasury and capital markets divisions at banks continue to struggle with the trilemma of complying with regulatory changes and meeting evolving…
Across the asset management industry, structural margin compression, and a stubborn cost base are reshaping strategic and operational priorities…
Research related to CASH Suite
I recently had the opportunity to attend FIS Emerald in Orlando, FL from May 26-29, 2024. Lasting over three fast-paced days, this conference is…
Yes, I DO think there is a strong connection between banking technology and sports car racing, so buckle your seat belts. Last week I had the op…
In 2018, Deutsche Bank embarked on CRAFT, a five-year program to overhaul the technology underpinning the bank’s global credit risk function, a…
MB has enhanced its market risk and counterparty credit risk (CCR) management to meet global standards, including: A near real-time VaR calcul…
The migration of on premise banking applications to private and public cloud deployment has been underway for over a past decade.Early migration…
In 2024, technological turbulence – generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), digital asset adoption, increased fraud and cyber risk – will r…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
This report is a companion piece to the Global IT report and focuses solely on North American Wealth Management IT Spending which includes Canad…
The current banking crisis in 2023 has so far focused on large regional and national banks that have had liquidity issues leading to a bank run…
The current banking and business market cycle highlights the critical need for risk management platforms, data, analytics and models. Rising inf…
Growing regulatory focus and investor pressure are making climate risk assessment an imperative at banks. Within climate risk, a critical focus…
Previsory is a portmanteau word coined by Celent to describe a forward-looking view of technology, and advice on how to respond to and leverage…
Experiencing product value before purchase drives growth—Product-Led Growth:PLG •This is a primer for those who are not so familiar with Product…
The commercial loan origination and underwriting process still looks the same as it did 20 years ago. It starts with developing leads and fleshi…
The banking credit risk management apparatus has changed dramatically since the financial crisis of 2008. Many banks, savings and loan companies…
Research related to LegalVIEW® BillAnalyzer for Insurance Claims Defense
The insurance industry is moving quickly to understand and begin to leverage the unique capabilities of GenAI technology. While most carriers ar…
Currently, there is a great deal of excitement in the artificial intelligence (AI) community about agentic AI, multi-agent systems and GenAI age…
Celent’s overarching theme for corporate banking in 2024 is that future success rests on faster, safer, smarter innovation. Banks must deliver t…
With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make intelligent predictions, AI has rapidly been adopted across the ba…
While artificial intelligence has been selectively implemented to help banks fight financial crime, recent breakthroughs in AI technology promis…
Moving Ahead with GenAI It’s hard to believe how quickly Generative AI (GenAI) technology has gained traction across industries worldwide. Since…
Celent recently published the Dimensions: IT Pressures and Priorities report series. This annual survey of bank executives worldwide is used to…
About the Showcase Gen AI is the hottest topic in the industry right now. Insurers are reaching out daily with questions and the need for advice…
Consumer credit scoring has existed for decades. It evolved from being a custom analytic product used within financial institutions to being a g…
This report represents the second in the 2-part series “The New Wealth Management Paradigm – From Apps to Agents.” The wealth management industr…
ING was looking to accelerate the digitisation of its offerng in the FX markets - a market which is the largest in the world by traded volume, b…
DBS Bank, one of the largest banks in the Asia-Pacific region, has a long-standing reputation for innovation. With AI becoming a more pervasive…
For many years Microsoft Excel was the staple application of finance teams. Perhaps one of the earliest “no-code” solutions, the combination of…
In Celent's enterprise data enablement survey a few years ago, both asset managers and asset owners indicated a renewed trajectory towards enhan…
We recently held our first insurance executive roundtable event of the year, at our offices in New York. In attendance were 35 executives from t…