
新しいウェルスマネジメントのパラダイム - アプリからエージェントへ パート2 - 行為者としてのAIエージェント

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This report represents the second in the 2-part series “The New Wealth Management Paradigm – From Apps to Agents.”

The wealth management industry is on the cusp of transformation – a new paradigm is emerging - driven by advancements in technology. Over the next 10 years, wealth managers foresee fundamental changes to the client value proposition, the role of the advisor, and the underlying business model spurred on by the convergence of newer technologies such as GenAI, spatial computing, digital twins, blockchain, and quantum computing.

“The New Wealth Management Paradigm – From Apps to Agents” is a two-part report series which explores the reasons behind the paradigm shift and crafts a vision of the future. At the center of this vision is the AI Agent. This concept while not new is now within reach. And leading wealth management executives predict that “apps” will be displaced by a “network AI Agents” across the wealth management ecosystem. By deploying AI Agents wealth managers can finally realize deep personalization at scale.

Part 1 of this report series answers the question “Why AI Agents and why now?” We also share insights from leading executives and survey findings. Part 2 of this series explores the implications of AI Agents for wealth management firms and offers a framework for implementation.

In addition, we provide advice on what wealth managers can do now to prepare for inevitable change. The keys to competitive advantage lie in readying the organization through data modernization, digitization, cloud, and other critical ingredients.