.At the start of any life insurance sales cycle for a non-traditional product comes an illustration. An insurer has many choices in vendors and…
.At the start of any life insurance sales cycle for a non-traditional product comes an illustration. An insurer has many choices in vendors and…
At the start of any life insurance sales cycle for a non-traditional product comes an illustration. An insurer has many choices in vendors and w…
Insurers have been modernizing their legacy systems, increasing their presence in cloud, and finding innovative use cases driven by emerging tec…
This research will provide an overview of the insurance market and technology trends in Australia and New Zealand. We will provide examples of i…
2020 has not been an ordinary year for life insurance companies. Celent expects insurers will move many digitally sales oriented investments to…
2020 has not been an ordinary year for life insurance companies. Celent expects insurers will move many digitally sales oriented investments to…
Healthcare is more important than ever, and digital health solutions are enabling personalized health assessment and overall care. Digital healt…
The current Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has put the global environment into trying times and it signify opportunities to extend current…
System decisions are complicated. In this report, targeted at both the buyer and the seller, Celent discusses how to manage the process of comin…
A focus on the insurance ecosystem, the role of digital, innovation, and InsurTech. I had the great pleasure of attending DIA Munich 2018 . As a…
Celent has published a new report titled Views of the Past and Future: Trends and Predictions for North American Illustration Systems.The report…
Celent has released a report that reviews the global life insurance illustration solution spectrum titled Predicting the Future: 2016 EMEA, APAC…
Celent has released a report that reviews the North American life insurance illustration solution spectrum titled Predicting the Future, 2016 No…
Fractional share trading for equities and ETFs is not new. Widespread adoption of fractionals in mostly brokerage accounts were spurred on by th…
The last four years in the financial markets have seen immense volatility, patchy liquidity, and fundamental shifts towards a new macro regime.…
On 12th June 2023 (just yesterday), Nasdaq announced their intentions to acquire Adenza (which itself was created from the coming together of Ca…
The mechanisms for trading fixed income products continue to evolve amid a backdrop of market infrastructure challenges, regulatory responses, i…
The demand for applications is growing faster than the supply of developers to deliver them. A new era of low/no-code development is emerging, w…
Last month I was honored to participate in the TradeTech FX annual conference in Miami, FL, and to assist by hosting a keynote interview and mod…
I’m extremely excited to announce my participation as a speaker at this year’s TradeTech FX Conference. The conference dates are February 16–18,…
FX is at the greatest inflection point since Nixon decoupled the dollar from gold in 1971. Foreign exchange (FX), and its technology demands, ar…
The use of AI in financial services is becoming a reality. The capital markets are fertile proving grounds for overcoming real challenges in the…
The capital markets industry is doubling down on digital transformation in 2021, and so its senior business and technology executives must quest…
The world had a tough 2020 but, unlike the 2008 financial markets crisis, this time capital markets emerged as the hero as governments worldwide…
A Year of Extremes… It certainly has been a year of extremes with many superlatives required to describe the situation; but also, a year with pl…
FicTech is reinventing the fixed income technology space with ever greater speed, with an increasing number of players addressing the issuance a…
リサーチは投資情報戦略の動力源です。投資の意思決定がより高度になるにつれ、複雑なデータフローを管理し、ワークフローをサポートし、同じチームの複数のメンバーが共同で投資調査を行うことができるようにする必要性が高まっています。 リサーチ・マネジメント・システム(RSM)は、バイサイドのフロン…
Research helps power the investment engine. With investment decision-making getting more advanced, there is an increasing need to manage complex…
For insurance and institutional clients, efficient portfolio optimization and operational agility from the standpoint of dynamic adaptation and…
OakNorth is integrating climate transition risk into portfolio risk management. ON Climate provides lenders the ability to assess climate transi…
Fractional share trading for equities and ETFs is not new. Widespread adoption of fractionals in mostly brokerage accounts were spurred on by th…
Private market asset managers were not immune from the post-pandemic, macroeconomic headwinds and recent market volatility – with operating marg…
This report is a companion piece to the Global IT report and focuses solely on North American Wealth Management IT Spending which includes Canad…
On 12th June 2023 (just yesterday), Nasdaq announced their intentions to acquire Adenza (which itself was created from the coming together of Ca…
On 27 Apr 2023, Deutsche Boerse announced a takeover of SimCorp to combine its existing data & analytics subsidiaries Qontigo and ISS under the…
As investment firms and investors contemplate how to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues into their investing decisions…
Corporate pension plan sponsors conventionally operate in an “analog mode” where they have limited access to investment advice, with timely or r…
Profound shifts born from the wave of regulatory, capital, passive investing, and fee compression trends are continuing to alter the investment…
The demand for applications is growing faster than the supply of developers to deliver them. A new era of low/no-code development is emerging, w…
Last month I was honored to participate in the TradeTech FX annual conference in Miami, FL, and to assist by hosting a keynote interview and mod…
Driven by the imperative for sustainable cost savings and profitability, investment managers are renewing their focus to double down on their co…
Despite largely positive AUM growth, sustained growth in active investment remains elusive due to the onslaught of secular headwind factors and…
The world had a tough 2020 but, unlike the 2008 financial markets crisis, this time capital markets emerged as the hero as governments worldwide…
.At the start of any life insurance sales cycle for a non-traditional product comes an illustration. An insurer has many choices in vendors and…
At the start of any life insurance sales cycle for a non-traditional product comes an illustration. An insurer has many choices in vendors and w…
Insurers have been modernizing their legacy systems, increasing their presence in cloud, and finding innovative use cases driven by emerging tec…
This research will provide an overview of the insurance market and technology trends in Australia and New Zealand. We will provide examples of i…
2020 has not been an ordinary year for life insurance companies. Celent expects insurers will move many digitally sales oriented investments to…
2020 has not been an ordinary year for life insurance companies. Celent expects insurers will move many digitally sales oriented investments to…
Healthcare is more important than ever, and digital health solutions are enabling personalized health assessment and overall care. Digital healt…
The current Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has put the global environment into trying times and it signify opportunities to extend current…
System decisions are complicated. In this report, targeted at both the buyer and the seller, Celent discusses how to manage the process of comin…
A focus on the insurance ecosystem, the role of digital, innovation, and InsurTech. I had the great pleasure of attending DIA Munich 2018 . As a…
Celent has published a new report titled Views of the Past and Future: Trends and Predictions for North American Illustration Systems.The report…
Celent has released a report that reviews the global life insurance illustration solution spectrum titled Predicting the Future: 2016 EMEA, APAC…
Celent has released a report that reviews the North American life insurance illustration solution spectrum titled Predicting the Future, 2016 No…
A recent survey conducted by Oliver Wyman indicates that retail investors have grown more comfortable with using generative AI (GenAI) for finan…
Morgan Stanley is the first major global wealth management firm to incorporate fractional share allocation as an integral component of its UMA a…
Wealth management firms point to advisor workflow automation as one of the biggest opportunities for boosting productivity and freeing up adviso…
Can AI do more than just drive internal efficiencies in wealth management? According to one Canadian startup, AI can be the engine powering fina…
This report is a companion piece to the Global IT report and focuses solely on North American Wealth Management IT Spending which includes Canad…
With the introduction of ChatGPT, large language models (LLMs) have become a significant part of the AI landscape due to their ability to revolu…
Celent is pleased to award Societe Generale with the Celent Model Wealth Manager 2023 Award for Financial Wellness. Stress and anxiety regarding…
The science of artificial intelligence is complicated. The technologies or sub domains that make up AI such as machine learning and natural lang…
Summary In-depth personalization experiences rely on relevant user data, unifying their engagement channels, and creating segments to build firs…
It is well known that advisors spend an inordinate amount of time on non-revenue producing and non-client facing activities. These include admin…
Experiencing product value before purchase drives growth—Product-Led Growth:PLG •This is a primer for those who are not so familiar with Product…
There is no denying the wealth management market is telling us that planning software is a must have. Turnkey Asset Management Platform’s (TAMPs…
While some wealth managers state that a lack of customer digital adoption is a reason for low engagement during the pandemic, the reality is tha…
Join Awaad Aamir as he highlights findings from over 30 direct financial institution use cases on wealth management IT spending. Our videocast w…
This report is a continuation of the three-month study of the North American financial planning technology market covered in Celent’s report The…
Decisioning engines for lending and other banking use cases have traditionally been focused on analytic modeling of data to determine coefficien…
I recently had the opportunity to attend Fiserv Forum in Las Vegas, NV from September 29-October 1, 2024. Lasting over 2 ½ fast-paced days, this…
The CFPB's proposals for Section 1033 mark the beginning of a new era for open banking in the US. Assuming the proposals that are published in O…
Retail loan origination requires the interplay of many internal and external systems to originate, underwrite, and close a loan. These processes…
I recently had the opportunity to attend FIS Emerald in Orlando, FL from May 26-29, 2024. Lasting over three fast-paced days, this conference is…
Yes, I DO think there is a strong connection between banking technology and sports car racing, so buckle your seat belts. Last week I had the op…
Consumer credit scoring has existed for decades. It evolved from being a custom analytic product used within financial institutions to being a g…
Consumer data privacy laws, regulations, and protections have existed for decades but are being modernized across the globe in response to digit…
Loan origination system (LOS) technology has changed more in the last five years than it had in the previous 20. Market dynamics are shifting as…
The imperative for financial institutions (FIs) to continuously add new technology capabilities drives them to evaluate existing systems to mode…
The UK residential mortgage lending market is large and attractive to financial institutions based on the large transaction sizes and revenue pe…
The migration of on premise banking applications to private and public cloud deployment has been underway for over a past decade.Early migration…
Among the many US federal policy changes, laws, and Federal Reserve actions initiated during the pandemic, loan forbearance has so far proven to…
Next week’s US Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) Annual Convention in Philadelphia (https://www.mba.org/conferences-and-education/annual-conven…
Despite challenges posed by the macroeconomic environment, North American (NA) retail bank technology spending will grow by 3.5% in 2023. The hi…