Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
Research related to Enterprise risk and compliance
Regulatory requirements related to data management have evolved from broad guidelines to specific requirements across a multitude of data qualit…
MB has enhanced its market risk and counterparty credit risk (CCR) management to meet global standards, including: A near real-time VaR calcul…
Nasdaq and its subsidiary Verafin, just published their first Global Financial Crime Report. The report is making headlines for the size of its…
In 2024, technological turbulence – generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), digital asset adoption, increased fraud and cyber risk – will r…
When 2023 opened with the scare of an SVB-led financial contagion, financial risk topped the list of CRO concerns. With that crisis averted, ope…
Recorded on October 31, 2023. The first waves of Gen AI are hitting the shore as FIs test use cases in call centers. But Risk Leaders see a tsun…
After nearly a year at the helm of Celent's Risk practice, I had the privilege of attending my inaugural Sibos conference. My colleagues Patrici…
Few financial institutions have yet to implement Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) technology in their operations, however, both large…
Recorded on July 19, 2023. Want to hear more about the current state of technology strategy and investment prioritization in the industry? Our w…
Operational resilience regulation is spurring GRC transformation in financial institutions - more urgently in countries with high regulatory req…
On 12th June 2023 (just yesterday), Nasdaq announced their intentions to acquire Adenza (which itself was created from the coming together of Ca…
To facilitate adoption of AI and Machine Learning across the bank, CIBC built a shared AI/ML Platform in the Cloud. By taking care of governance…
With rising foreign investment in Vietnam, VP Bank wanted to offer their corporate customers currency and interest rate swaps, but the banks’ co…
Bank of America's Operational Intelligence team developed Virtual On-Watch to automate incident response workflows. The tool improves operationa…
Research related to Credit Risk management
The CFPB's proposals for Section 1033 mark the beginning of a new era for open banking in the US. Assuming the proposals that are published in O…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
In 2018, Deutsche Bank embarked on CRAFT, a five-year program to overhaul the technology underpinning the bank’s global credit risk function, a…
MB has enhanced its market risk and counterparty credit risk (CCR) management to meet global standards, including: A near real-time VaR calcul…
OakNorth is integrating climate transition risk into portfolio risk management. ON Climate provides lenders the ability to assess climate transi…
In 2024, technological turbulence – generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), digital asset adoption, increased fraud and cyber risk – will r…
On 12th June 2023 (just yesterday), Nasdaq announced their intentions to acquire Adenza (which itself was created from the coming together of Ca…
The current banking and business market cycle highlights the critical need for risk management platforms, data, analytics and models. Rising inf…
Growing regulatory focus and investor pressure are making climate risk assessment an imperative at banks. Within climate risk, a critical focus…
Previsory is a portmanteau word coined by Celent to describe a forward-looking view of technology, and advice on how to respond to and leverage…
The banking credit risk management apparatus has changed dramatically since the financial crisis of 2008. Many banks, savings and loan companies…
Digital technologies including big data analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud, and APIs have already transformed customer-facing functions a…
DBS Bank reimagined their corporate credit risk management by building a one-stop solution for corporate credit processes, from origination to f…
The specialized technology that supports risk management functions has traditionally been supplied by internal development teams as well as by e…
This year, Celent interviewed 25 chief information officers and senior technology leaders of global market infrastructure (MI) to understand the…
Research related to Commercial lending and leasing
I recently had the opportunity to attend FIS Emerald in Orlando, FL from May 26-29, 2024. Lasting over three fast-paced days, this conference is…
Yes, I DO think there is a strong connection between banking technology and sports car racing, so buckle your seat belts. Last week I had the op…
The migration of on premise banking applications to private and public cloud deployment has been underway for over a past decade.Early migration…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
The commercial loan origination and underwriting process still looks the same as it did 20 years ago. It starts with developing leads and fleshi…
Over the past five years, a few banks have mastered the formula for success in small loan origination. They are leveraging their incumbent advan…
From every crisis springs innovation. From the financial crisis of the late 2000s, seeds of small business credit innovation were sown, fertiliz…
Going into 2020, traditional banking approaches to credit were already under strain. The data and analytics revolution pioneered by Big Tech had…
In 2018 ING embarked on a multiyear program to reimagine application development and drive change within an agile, at-scale transformation frame…
Commercial loan origination has historically been complex and inefficient, requiring many disparate, disconnected steps to be completed, startin…
Anyone with experience in banking knows that lending is a cyclical business meaning that problems also come in waves. In other words, problem lo…
While LIBOR transition is a major program, it was never based on an immovable date like “the year 2000” (Y2K). It now seems possible that transi…
At the beginning of 2020, Corporate Banking revenue trends continued their annual upward trajectory. Just a few months later, those trends drama…
COVID-19 has taken an enormous human and economic toll on the world, and financial institutions globally are helping to implement government pro…
Loan application submissions under the SBA's Paycheck Protection Program (part of the US CARES Act) started slowly as lenders waited for clarifi…
Research related to Genpact CORA
In response to the voice of its clients, Celent is writing a series of reports on the tech vendors supporting the GenAI initiatives at financial…
The insurance industry is moving quickly to understand and begin to leverage the unique capabilities of GenAI technology. While most carriers ar…
Currently, there is a great deal of excitement in the artificial intelligence (AI) community about agentic AI, multi-agent systems and GenAI age…
Celent’s overarching theme for corporate banking in 2024 is that future success rests on faster, safer, smarter innovation. Banks must deliver t…
With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make intelligent predictions, AI has rapidly been adopted across the ba…
While artificial intelligence has been selectively implemented to help banks fight financial crime, recent breakthroughs in AI technology promis…
Moving Ahead with GenAI It’s hard to believe how quickly Generative AI (GenAI) technology has gained traction across industries worldwide. Since…
Is that a shocking headline? Clickbait? Last month I had the pleasure of attending the AWS Financial Services Analyst Summit, followed up by the…
Celent recently published the Dimensions: IT Pressures and Priorities report series. This annual survey of bank executives worldwide is used to…
GenAI has rocketed from moonshot to reality. To flesh out the reality in the financial services industry, Celent surveyed executives in roles ti…
About the Showcase Gen AI is the hottest topic in the industry right now. Insurers are reaching out daily with questions and the need for advice…
As insurers look to take advantage of powerful new artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, they need to modernize and expand their existing d…
Consumer credit scoring has existed for decades. It evolved from being a custom analytic product used within financial institutions to being a g…
This report represents the second in the 2-part series “The New Wealth Management Paradigm – From Apps to Agents.” The wealth management industr…
ING was looking to accelerate the digitisation of its offerng in the FX markets - a market which is the largest in the world by traded volume, b…
Research related to BPO Services
In response to the voice of its clients, Celent is writing a series of reports on the tech vendors supporting the GenAI initiatives at financial…
The insurance industry is moving quickly to understand and begin to leverage the unique capabilities of GenAI technology. While most carriers ar…
The ability to detect insurance claims fraud is, in some ways, easier than ever. With each year, the datasets that insurers have access to are e…
Currently, there is a great deal of excitement in the artificial intelligence (AI) community about agentic AI, multi-agent systems and GenAI age…
Celent’s overarching theme for corporate banking in 2024 is that future success rests on faster, safer, smarter innovation. Banks must deliver t…
The CFPB's proposals for Section 1033 mark the beginning of a new era for open banking in the US. Assuming the proposals that are published in O…
A claims fraud-detection system helps insurance carriers identify fraudulent claims at both the individual and organizational levels. It is typi…
A claims fraud-detection system helps insurance carriers identify fraudulent claims at both the individual and organizational levels. It is typi…
After seven days, the dust is finally settling on the CrowdStrike outage. While some companies are still struggling to recover from the incident…
With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make intelligent predictions, AI has rapidly been adopted across the ba…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
While artificial intelligence has been selectively implemented to help banks fight financial crime, recent breakthroughs in AI technology promis…
Moving Ahead with GenAI It’s hard to believe how quickly Generative AI (GenAI) technology has gained traction across industries worldwide. Since…
Is that a shocking headline? Clickbait? Last month I had the pleasure of attending the AWS Financial Services Analyst Summit, followed up by the…
Celent recently published the Dimensions: IT Pressures and Priorities report series. This annual survey of bank executives worldwide is used to…