Celent's Risk and Compliance priorities for 2025 examine impactful technology and regulatory trends within the domains of anti-financial crime,…
Celent's Risk and Compliance priorities for 2025 examine impactful technology and regulatory trends within the domains of anti-financial crime,…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
In 2024, technological turbulence – generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), digital asset adoption, increased fraud and cyber risk – will r…
When 2023 opened with the scare of an SVB-led financial contagion, financial risk topped the list of CRO concerns. With that crisis averted, ope…
Recorded on October 31, 2023. The first waves of Gen AI are hitting the shore as FIs test use cases in call centers. But Risk Leaders see a tsun…
Few financial institutions have yet to implement Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) technology in their operations, however, both large…
Recorded on July 19, 2023. Want to hear more about the current state of technology strategy and investment prioritization in the industry? Our w…
Operational resilience regulation is spurring GRC transformation in financial institutions - more urgently in countries with high regulatory req…
On 12th June 2023 (just yesterday), Nasdaq announced their intentions to acquire Adenza (which itself was created from the coming together of Ca…
With rising foreign investment in Vietnam, VP Bank wanted to offer their corporate customers currency and interest rate swaps, but the banks’ co…
To facilitate adoption of AI and Machine Learning across the bank, CIBC built a shared AI/ML Platform in the Cloud. By taking care of governance…
Bank of America's Operational Intelligence team developed Virtual On-Watch to automate incident response workflows. The tool improves operationa…
Industry standards are defined by industry-wide acceptance. It is that universality that makes them so hard to establish, and so useful once the…
Increasingly, risk offices at financial institutions are using advanced data management and artificial intelligence (AI), orchestration, high-pe…
Recorded on October 27th, 2022 Geopolitical and economic headwinds, following straight on the heels of the pandemic, highlight the need for resi…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
To help our clients navigate challenges facing the industry, Celent has developed a new, enhanced approach for tracking financial institution IT…
The financial industry is at an inflection point, shaped by a confluence of macroeconomic forces, regulatory dynamics, and sociopolitical reperc…
This year, Celent interviewed 25 chief information officers and senior technology leaders of global market infrastructure (MI) to understand the…
Credit Suisse’s Chief Risk Office in Asia Pacific created a cross-risk platform for risk identification and analysis across financial risk, oper…
The world had a tough 2020 but, unlike the 2008 financial markets crisis, this time capital markets emerged as the hero as governments worldwide…
FicTech is reinventing the fixed income technology space with ever greater speed, with an increasing number of players addressing the issuance a…
Research helps power the investment engine. With investment decision-making getting more advanced, there is an increasing need to manage complex…
Within the domain of capital markets trading, investing, structuring and risk management, next generation technology and emerging digital approa…
Celent explores the opportunities and challenges of the morphing sell side front office in this cross asset trading technology piece. The advent…
Treasury and capital markets divisions at banks continue to struggle with the trilemma of complying with regulatory changes and meeting evolving…
The race is on to get lean and agile. Unfortunately, capital markets firms continue to struggle with common operational and technology challenge…
Celent in conjunction with Nasdaq interviewed and surveyed 50 senior front office trading and technology staff at global trading firms, broker d…
CRO and CCO offices are grappling with the digital age. They continue to face the mainstay factors of regulatory scrutiny and cost pressures. At…
Digital technology enablement could augment alpha generation for active managers and stem the erosion against the tidal wave of passive investin…
In the early part of the year, insurance made the news in North Carolina because carriers were asking for up to double the rate along the fragil…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
This report is a companion piece to the Global IT report and focuses solely on North American Wealth Management IT Spending which includes Canad…
Over three weeks in September 2022, Celent Banking team ran an online survey where we invited our contacts in the industry – clients and non-cli…
Faced with historically high inflation and energy bills, increasing interest rates, and continued geopolitical and economic uncertainty, consume…
The demand for applications is growing faster than the supply of developers to deliver them. A new era of low/no-code development is emerging, w…
The imperative for financial institutions (FIs) to undergo digital transformation has only increased during the past two years. Many FIs are in…
Legend, an open source technology platform offered by Goldman Sachs and FINOS, tackles the rapidly growing challenge of ensuring timely access t…
The marketing statements of financial institutions have for years touted“customer-first”, “customer 360”; and “omnichannel communications” to de…
Implementing changes has always required various human and technology resources. Wealth management (WM) firms have generally employed specific p…
The demand for applications is growing faster than the supply of developers to deliver them. A new era of low/no-code development is emerging no…
The growth in demand for digital has created a long tail of applications which traditional IT struggles to build or maintain. The backlog is gro…
Implementing changes has always required various human and technology resources. Insurers have generally employed specific processes to plan, ex…
In 2018 ING embarked on a multiyear program to reimagine application development and drive change within an agile, at-scale transformation frame…
Intelligent automation projects are worth exploring as they can directly decrease the cost of operations while improving scalability and reducin…