The Sapiens Agent Point of Sale solution combines multiple award-winning modules to streamline & facilitate the entire new business acquisition…
Sapiens ApplicationPro for Life & Annuities (formerly known as StoneRiver LifeApply) is web-based insurance application software that provides c…
Sapiens BillingPro for Property & Casualty is part of the Sapiens CoreSuite for Property & Casualty. It is an enterprise billing solution from t…
Sapiens ClaimsPro for Property & Casualty is a critical piece of the Sapiens CoreSuite for Property and Casualty (P&C). It is a fully integrated…
Sapiens ClaimsPro for Workers’ Compensation is part of the Sapiens CoreSuite for Workers’ Compensation and is an advanced claims solution that a…
Sapiens CoreSuite for Property & Casualty (formerly called Adaptik and StoneRiver Stream Suite) is comprised of three fully integrated, core com…
The Sapiens Platform for Life offers excellence in administration of insurance business and creates greater efficiency via legacy consolidation.…
The Sapiens Platform for Life & Pension offers excellence in administration of insurance business and creates greater efficiency via legacy cons…
Sapiens Customer Acquistion solution merges various standalone modules to create a complete digital point of sale decisioning solution......
Sapiens DianaSuite for Property & Casualty (P&C) is a globally recognized P&C/general insurance solution that prioritizes the customer’s and age…
The Sapiens Digital Experience offers an end-to-end, holistic and seamless digital experience for P&C customers, agents, brokers, customer group…
Sapiens offers a dynamic, digital engagement and enablement platform for insurers to provide a unified, omni-channel experience. The flexible, l…
Sapiens EnrollmentPro for Life & Annuities (formerly called Benefit Enrollment) provides full benefit enrollment capabilities. It can handle eve…
Sapiens IDITSuite for Property & Casualty (P&C) is a market-leading and internationally proven Property and Casualty/general insurance solution…
Sapiens IllustrationPro for Life & Annuities (formerly called StoneRiver Life Portraits) is a point-of-sale solution, offering responsive produc…
Sapiens IntelligencePro (formerly 4SightBI) suite is a comprehensive, affordable BI solution, with over 100 pre-configured reports, dashboards,…
Sapiens PolicyPro for Property & Casualty (formerly Adaptik Policy) is part of the Sapiens CoreSuite for Property & Casualty and is a scalable a…
Sapiens PolicyPro for Workers’ Compensation is part of the Sapiens CoreSuite for Workers’ Compensation that offers larger carriers, administrato…
Sapiens ReinsuranceMaster is a comprehensive reinsurance business and accounting system, providing a superior solution covering all types of rei…
Sapiens ReinsurancePro has been designed to provide the full spectrum of reinsurance management, offering a variety of functions, from contract…
Real-time pricing beats Excel sheet hassle Tia Agent is a smooth new way of managing traditionally time-consuming processes for any agent whose…
Designed to optimize the claims handling experience: Tia Technology provides an open, scalable, standard software platform to support and optimi…
Tia Enterprise is a comprehensive P&C core software platform that serves as the foundation for digital engagement. It seamlessly integrates with…