Traditionally, the reconciliations process and technology have been seen as a "back-office" problem and have not received sufficient investment.…
Traditionally, the reconciliations process and technology have been seen as a "back-office" problem and have not received sufficient investment.…
In May 2024, barring any further delays, the United States and Canada will be shortening their trade settlement cycles from a two-day settlement…
Reconciliation is a critical part of capital markets operations because the inability to get it right can result in business losses, suboptimal…
Treasury and capital markets divisions at banks continue to struggle with the trilemma of complying with regulatory changes and meeting evolving…
The race is on to get lean and agile. Unfortunately, capital markets firms continue to struggle with common operational and technology challenge…
Corporate actions processing has lagged other areas in technology innovation. However, developments in new technology and low-cost operating mod…
Join us for this presentation by Arin Ray addressing corporate actions automation and how to leverage innovative technology to improving efficie…
A failure to elect on a corporate action due to an operational error can hurt the beneficiary financially. This exposes the firm to scrutiny abo…
With a more relaxed US regulatory climate, tax reform and growing cash reserves more public companies are building strategic growth through merg…
With growing volumes and complexities of corporate actions, intensifying regulatory scrutiny on transparency in corporate governance, and dimini…
The pursuit for improving automation levels goes back a long time in the capital markets. Success has been achieved in some areas, but a lot rem…
Intelligent automation-enabled tools promise to offer significant operational and efficiency improvements in the middle and back office in capit…
Just got back from the FTF Sec Ops Conference in Boston. Front-to-back asset management workflow was the main focus of the conference with some…
The U.S. Treasury Market is the largest and most liquid sovereign debt market in the world. Currently, trading activity is split between two cle…
The market for Transaction Reporting Solutions is reacting to a wave of new and amended regulations and technology advancements, pushing solutio…
In May 2024, barring any further delays, the United States and Canada will be shortening their trade settlement cycles from a two-day settlement…
To help our clients navigate challenges facing the industry, Celent has developed a new, enhanced approach for tracking financial institution IT…
The announcement yesterday (October 19) that DTCC is acquiring the blockchain fintech Securrency is a resounding signal to the global financial…
Financial market infrastructures (FMIs) are the mainstay of the financial system, providing the essential infrastructure for financial transacti…
This report represents the Financial Markets Infrastructure edition of the Capital Markets Previsory 2023 report series. While FMIs are benefiti…
As I wrote about in my first Celent blog, the capital markets post-trade industry is transforming, and none too soon.In that vein, The Depositor…
The demand for applications is growing faster than the supply of developers to deliver them. A new era of low/no-code development is emerging, w…
This year, Celent interviewed 25 chief information officers and senior technology leaders of global market infrastructure (MI) to understand the…
The fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to have ramifications in a number of areas within capital markets, for example shift to remote wo…
The world had a tough 2020 but, unlike the 2008 financial markets crisis, this time capital markets emerged as the hero as governments worldwide…
A Year of Extremes… It certainly has been a year of extremes with many superlatives required to describe the situation; but also, a year with pl…
The following report provides a high-level landscape of the major vendors within the net asset value (NAV) oversight and contingency ecosystem.…
During the first half of this year, Celent conducted in-depth conversations with global asset managers about their back office NAV oversight and…
The CFPB's proposals for Section 1033 mark the beginning of a new era for open banking in the US. Assuming the proposals that are published in O…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
OakNorth is integrating climate transition risk into portfolio risk management. ON Climate provides lenders the ability to assess climate transi…
On 12th June 2023 (just yesterday), Nasdaq announced their intentions to acquire Adenza (which itself was created from the coming together of Ca…
The specialized technology that supports risk management functions has traditionally been supplied by internal development teams as well as by e…
This year, Celent interviewed 25 chief information officers and senior technology leaders of global market infrastructure (MI) to understand the…
The world had a tough 2020 but, unlike the 2008 financial markets crisis, this time capital markets emerged as the hero as governments worldwide…
Broker-dealers continue to watch how the SEC and FINRA interpret and enforce Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) and Form CRS. On October 26th, th…
Regulation based on principle will generate uncertainty; such are the challenges of interpretation. In the case of Reg BI, the tests involved in…
Employee conduct is critical for financial institutions due to the reputational and regulatory risks. It is a complex, enterprise-wide area invo…
Improving data management is a journey; in recent years many FIs have been ushering in changes to break down data silos and simplify data archit…
In my previous post, I proposed a new, virtual model for regulatory reviews, one that leverages the enterprise-wide lens furnished by modern com…
So-called collaboration tools like Zoom and Slack were on the radar of SEC and other regulators well before COVID-19. In fact, FINRA made explic…
EVOLUTION AND REVOLUTION IN RISK AND COMPLIANCE Risk and compliance in the financial industry is at a watershed moment. While continuing to be h…
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a piece of European Union legislation that regulates how personal data is collected, bought, so…