Today’s order management system (OMS) functionality has moved beyond simply receiving and routing client orders and has grown to encompass all f…
Today’s order management system (OMS) functionality has moved beyond simply receiving and routing client orders and has grown to encompass all f…
FIS™ (NYSE: FIS), a global leader in banking and payments technology as well as consulting and outsourcing solutions, today announced the closin…
SunGard’s connectivity via the SunGard Global Network for real-time market data feeds will help support Kyobo’s derivatives trading by complying…
SunGard’s Front Arena solution has been named “Best front-office trading system” in Banking Technology’s 2015 Readers’ Choice Awards, marking th…
Virtus Partners has launched a new hedge fund administration service focused on credit and fixed income managers. The offering is built on SunGa…
FIS™ (NYSE: FIS), the world’s largest provider of banking and payments technology solutions and a global leader in consulting and outsourcing s…
DNB, Norway’s largest financial services group, has selected SunGard’s AligneTrading and Risk Management and MarketMap Energy data management pl…
SunGard has launched an independent, real-time transaction cost analysis (TCA) solution for foreign exchange (FX) trading to help traders, corpo…
Nissan Century Securities Co Ltd, will deploy SunGard’s Valdi and Stream Clearvision as a managed service to support its Japanese equities, deri…
SunGard has earned a place as a category leader in the Chartis RiskTech Quadrant® for Liquidity Risk Management Systems. The report assesses lea…
UOB Bullion and Futures (UOBBF), the brokerage arm of United Overseas Bank (UOB), has deployed SunGard's post-trade cross-asset processing solut…
Ahli Bank Q.S.C, a leading Qatari bank specializing in retail and corporate banking, has deployed SunGard’s risk solutions to enhance its regula…
SunGard Valdi has added access to the fixed income market MTS BondVision to its hosted connectivity platform, Valdi Market Access. By deliverin…
To help banks address evolving counterparty risk requirements, SunGard has developed an advanced analytics engine that enables rapid, credit ris…
Northern Trust has chosen SunGard’s Asset Arena Control Center as the latest addition to the portfolio of SunGard solutions used by the asset se…
SunGard has launched two new corporate actions products to help global financial institutions manage global event data and identify and control…
BRED Banque Populaire, the cooperative commercial bank of one of the largest banking groups in France, Groupe BPCE, has gone live with SunGard’s…
Sparinvest, a Denmark-based international asset manager, has selected SunGard’s XSPrisa to automate its global corporate actions processing. The…
SunGard announces the launch of its APT Enterprise platform which provides integrated risk management through an interactive risk dashboard for…
Interdin Bolsa Sociedad de Valores S.A. (“Interdin”), a securities brokerage house based in Madrid, has selected SunGard’s Valdi Market Access h…
A global survey undertaken by the Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA) and SunGard reveals an attitudinal shift among r…
A group of financial services firms in Singapore have chosen to migrate their operations to SunGard’s managed services to help adapt to industry…
A global survey* undertaken by SunGard reveals the priority placed on business intelligence (BI) continues to heighten, but many organizations a…
Atreaus Capital, LP, a global macro hedge fund manager based in New York is now live with SunGard’s Hedge360 Risk Reporting Service. Delivered a…
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities has expanded its use of SunGard’s Valdi to help achieve greater operational efficiency through an integ…
According to a global study by strategic advisory and analyst firm Aite Group and SunGard, asset managers and asset servicers are struggling to…
Pierpont Securities LLC (Member FINRA, SIPC), a specialized fixed income financial services firm serving middle market and institutional investo…
Société de Bourse Gilbert Dupont (“Gilbert Dupont”), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Groupe Crédit du Nord, part of the French and internationa…
Itochu Enex, a major Japanese energy provider, extends its technology outsourcing with SunGard's Valdi and Stream Clearvision ASP Services to he…
SunGard and REGIS-TR, the European trade repository owned by Clearstream (Deutsche Börse Group) and Iberclear (BME), collaborated to help SunGar…
NEW YORK – May 14, 2014 – Regulations, operating costs and back office requirements are draining resources that financial institutions need to f…
SunGard has launched Hedge360, an integrated, hosted service that supports the complete investment lifecycle for hedge funds and alternative ass…
As the technology infrastructure relied upon by financial services firms to carry out their day-to-day operations becomes increasingly complex,…
SunGard Global Network for Securities (SGN Securities) and SunGard’s Fox Flashlight have been named “Best Sell-Side Trading Network” and “Best S…
UBS Fund Services, a global fund administrator, today announced that it has signed agreements with SunGard and HazelTree to offer UBS Frontier P…
New consumer research undertaken by SunGard has found that banks in some of the world’s fastest-growing emerging markets are still struggling to…