SunGard Leverages Risk Innovations to Develop Advanced Analytics Engine for High Speed Risk Analysis
Mass processing power can enable banks to run up to 100 million valuations per second
To help banks address evolving counterparty risk requirements, SunGard has developed an advanced analytics engine that enables rapid, credit risk reporting and analysis. The technology is driven by parallel computing and graphical processing unit (GPU) technology, which is the same technology used in the gaming industry to generate real-time effects and graphics.
Growing demands for greater understanding of counterparty risk and credit-valuation-adjustment (CVA) measures are driving firms to conduct scenario based risk and sensitivity analysis. Added to this is the increasing pressure to be more responsive to evolving regulatory reporting requirements in rapidly changing markets.
In response, SunGard has underpinned its Adaptiv Analytics solution with a combined hardware platform made up of computer and graphical processing units (CPU’s and GPU’s). This will help firms perform rapid, timely and accurate analytics driven by the analytical strength of the Adaptiv solution and the mass processing power of GPU technology.
Using the solution, firms can conduct highly complex calculations such as credit-valuation-adjustment (CVA) in near-time, processing up to 100 million valuations per second (vps) compared to an average processing power on a standalone CPU platform of approximately 22 million vps. The new offering helps firms acquire low cost scalability to support firm’s future processing requirements without additional hardware or development costs.
“Typically leveraging the advantages of GPU’s would have been a costly exercise for banks, because GPU programmers are in demand. The new offering from SunGard can help those who want to benefit from the processing power of GPU technology but not invest in new competencies.” – Rik Turner, senior analyst, Ovum.
“Leveraging our heritage and expertise in parallel processing to develop this offering highlights our commitment to driving innovation from our existing solutions. We are now providing banks with a combined hardware platform underpinned by CPU and GPU technology. The real value-add here is that banks can leverage their existing infrastructure and engineers without the need for any additional resource. As such, our solutions can help banks accomplish higher speed risk analysis more cost effectively, which is a critical asset to future banking operations.” - Steve Silberstein, chief technology officer, SunGard