Celent is hosting its annual Innovation and Insight Day on March 21st, where we will announce our 2024 Celent Model Bank Award winners. The even…
Celent is hosting its annual Innovation and Insight Day on March 21st, where we will announce our 2024 Celent Model Bank Award winners. The even…
With the resumption of student debt repayments in October, the student borrower is back in the news and should be on the minds of bankers. Banks…
Snap polls reflect questions posed by members of the Celent Executive Panel, a group of C level executives in the insurance industry. This quest…
Insurers send out a lot of bills. It’s an expensive process — not just in terms of the physical costs of printing, paper and postage: credit car…
Insurers send out a lot of bills. It’s an expensive process — not just in terms of the physical costs of printing, paper, and postage: human bei…
Insurers make a lot of claims payments. It’s an expensive process — not just in terms of the physical costs of printing, paper, and postage, but…
Tomorrow’s the first day of October, and that means it’s time to start preparing for Money 20/20, held October 27-30 in Vegas. I’ve got some pra…
In order to understand the current state and trends regarding insurance payments, Celent conducted an online survey with insurers and managing g…
Celent is hosting its annual Innovation and Insight Day on March 21st, where we will announce our 2024 Celent Model Bank Award winners. The even…
I always look forward to meeting with payments colleagues at the Nacha Smarter Faster Payments conference. It was my first time in Las Vegas in…
The debut of ChatGPT, a product of the joint venture between OpenAI and Microsoft in November 2022, has catalyzed a comprehensive examination of…
Almost exactly four years ago, on March 18, 2019, FIS and Worldpay announced their marriage. As we commented then, there seemed to be a number o…
Yesterday, The Wall Street Journal reported that large banks in the US are considering whether to expand the Zelle network into merchant payment…
I recognise that my latest Celent report on cards has a somewhat unusual title. I will talk more about the report and the strategic issues aroun…
Nearly two years into the global pandemic, many of us have made considerable changes in our lives. For some, these have been aesthetic — new war…
As the world begins to navigate out of the global pandemic, Oliver Wyman expects the payments market to return to robust growth. The underlying…
Traditional POS devices rely on physical chips to process payments. While they offer high levels of security, they are also inefficient and expe…
The statement in the title might sound ambitious and perhaps even provocative, but it is based on the responses of more than 100 industry profes…
COVID-19 is a global human tragedy that is also causing a significant economic disruption. Payments is no exception with no major payment flow i…
Retail payments continue to be a sizzling hot topic high on the agenda for bankers, payments providers, investors, and consultants. The ninth ed…
Celent engages with clients in many different ways — from providing insights via research reports and access to analysts to delivering bespoke r…
As many of you know, the new PSD2 requirements for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) were due to come into effect on September 14th. PSD2 req…
Tomorrow’s the first day of October, and that means it’s time to start preparing for Money 20/20, held October 27-30 in Vegas. I’ve got some pra…
With the challenges that banks face today, let alone tomorrow, today’s payment systems simply aren’t going to be good enough. As a result, banks…
I've just returned from EBAday, the annual summit for leading payments and transaction banking executives, held in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal, t…
The countdown for the FedWire migration has not only started but is well underway. While some banks are prepared, evidence suggests that many ba…
I'm pleased to announce this paper that looks at the need for payment modernization, which sets out not just the why, but also the how too. The…
If payment modernization consisted of one or more quick, cheap, easy, or risk-free changes, banks would have already done it. It’s not that they…
In 2023, we discussed the idea of “payments convergence” with several of our clients at Celent. Also, embedded finance continued to be a hot top…
The migration of on premise banking applications to private and public cloud deployment has been underway for over a past decade.Early migration…
Banking and banking technology are undergoing massive change. New business models and market strategies driven by neobanks and fintechs have pus…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
The economic shocks of 2022 and early 2023 appear to have calmed, but geo-political and financial conditions remain far from easy for banks and…
Actually, the title of this is not strictly true... While Celent was well represented at SIBOS with several of our colleagues attending this wee…
Celent have been talking about instant payments in the US for many, many years. Indeed, I was the very first person to speak at Nacha Payments o…
BaaS, PaaS, CBDCs, and PSD3 were the buzzwords that dominated many of the sessions and my conversations with colleagues at EBAday 2023 in Madrid…
It’s that time again, where Patty & I attend the Nacha Payments conference. This year it was in Las Vegas, after a long break from the city. Ind…
I always look forward to meeting with payments colleagues at the Nacha Smarter Faster Payments conference. It was my first time in Las Vegas in…
Read this Report to Learn About: New mandates for banks in the UK to reimburse victims of scams (Authorised Push Payment fraud); How the indu…
Celent's Risk and Compliance priorities for 2025 examine impactful technology and regulatory trends within the domains of anti-financial crime,…
As part of Celent’s ongoing coverage of technology and business trends in genAI, Celent held its Generative AI Symposium in New York last week.…
Fighting financial crime has jumped to the top of Risk priorities in 2024, with a majority of Risk executives citing it as one of their top thre…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
While artificial intelligence has been selectively implemented to help banks fight financial crime, recent breakthroughs in AI technology promis…
With the acceleration of digital access in financial services, fraud technology has developed into a complex ecosystem of solutions aimed at sec…
Nasdaq and its subsidiary Verafin, just published their first Global Financial Crime Report. The report is making headlines for the size of its…
In 2024, technological turbulence – generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), digital asset adoption, increased fraud and cyber risk – will r…
When 2023 opened with the scare of an SVB-led financial contagion, financial risk topped the list of CRO concerns. With that crisis averted, ope…
Recorded on October 31, 2023. The first waves of Gen AI are hitting the shore as FIs test use cases in call centers. But Risk Leaders see a tsun…
After nearly a year at the helm of Celent's Risk practice, I had the privilege of attending my inaugural Sibos conference. My colleagues Patrici…
What if you could identify and discard risky applicants before you took them through an expensive identity proofing exercise? What if you had a…
Recorded on July 19, 2023. Want to hear more about the current state of technology strategy and investment prioritization in the industry? Our w…
Earlier this week, Google Cloud held an analyst conference to announce its foray into anti-financial crime (AFC) technology. The company launche…
With the challenges that banks face today, let alone tomorrow, today’s payment systems simply aren’t going to be good enough. As a result, banks…
I've just returned from EBAday, the annual summit for leading payments and transaction banking executives, held in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal, t…
I'm pleased to announce this paper that looks at the need for payment modernization, which sets out not just the why, but also the how too. The…
If payment modernization consisted of one or more quick, cheap, easy, or risk-free changes, banks would have already done it. It’s not that they…
Celent is hosting its annual Innovation and Insight Day on March 21st, where we will announce our 2024 Celent Model Bank Award winners. The even…
In June 2022, Celent published a report called Modernizing the US Card Processing Platforms: Stories of Digital Transformation. The report discu…
In 2023, we discussed the idea of “payments convergence” with several of our clients at Celent. Also, embedded finance continued to be a hot top…
The migration of on premise banking applications to private and public cloud deployment has been underway for over a past decade.Early migration…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
The economic shocks of 2022 and early 2023 appear to have calmed, but geo-political and financial conditions remain far from easy for banks and…
Celent’s recent analysis of the US market opportunity in Credit Card-as-a-Service (CCaaS) identified a busy landscape of providers offering or r…
Actually, the title of this is not strictly true... While Celent was well represented at SIBOS with several of our colleagues attending this wee…
The current banking crisis in 2023 has so far focused on large regional and national banks that have had liquidity issues leading to a bank run…
Celent have been talking about instant payments in the US for many, many years. Indeed, I was the very first person to speak at Nacha Payments o…
BaaS, PaaS, CBDCs, and PSD3 were the buzzwords that dominated many of the sessions and my conversations with colleagues at EBAday 2023 in Madrid…
About this Interview: We continue our In Coversation With... series by hosting several interviews with FIS executives about the cards market in…
About this Interview: We continue our In Coversation With... series by hosting several interviews with FIS executives about the cards market in…
In June 2022, Celent published a report called Modernizing the US Card Processing Platforms: Stories of Digital Transformation. The report discu…
I recently had the opportunity to attend FIS Emerald in Orlando, FL from May 26-29, 2024. Lasting over three fast-paced days, this conference is…
Earlier this week, Visa hosted a Visa Payments Forum in San Francisco. During the event, the company made several announcements that – assuming…
About this Interview: We recently had the pleasure to sit down for a chat with Justin Monk, VP, Head of Products and Services, Debit, ATM, SaaS…
Consumer data privacy laws, regulations, and protections have existed for decades but are being modernized across the globe in response to digit…
In a payments market dominated by a few large players, it would be excusable to sound a defeatist note and focus elsewhere. However, HDFC Bank w…
PKO Bank Polski was the first bank in Poland and one of the few in the world to independently provide its customers with a Buy Now Pay Later (BN…
Celent is hosting its annual Innovation and Insight Day on March 21st, where we will announce our 2024 Celent Model Bank Award winners. The even…
The volume of Zelle© payments at major US banks is still increasing rapidly. Digital product owners and distribution channel leads should be awa…
In June 2022, Celent published a report called Modernizing the US Card Processing Platforms: Stories of Digital Transformation. The report discu…
In 2023, we discussed the idea of “payments convergence” with several of our clients at Celent. Also, embedded finance continued to be a hot top…
The migration of on premise banking applications to private and public cloud deployment has been underway for over a past decade.Early migration…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
With the challenges that banks face today, let alone tomorrow, today’s payment systems simply aren’t going to be good enough. As a result, banks…
I've just returned from EBAday, the annual summit for leading payments and transaction banking executives, held in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal, t…
I'm pleased to announce this paper that looks at the need for payment modernization, which sets out not just the why, but also the how too. The…
If payment modernization consisted of one or more quick, cheap, easy, or risk-free changes, banks would have already done it. It’s not that they…
In 2023, we discussed the idea of “payments convergence” with several of our clients at Celent. Also, embedded finance continued to be a hot top…
The migration of on premise banking applications to private and public cloud deployment has been underway for over a past decade.Early migration…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
The economic shocks of 2022 and early 2023 appear to have calmed, but geo-political and financial conditions remain far from easy for banks and…
Actually, the title of this is not strictly true... While Celent was well represented at SIBOS with several of our colleagues attending this wee…
The current banking crisis in 2023 has so far focused on large regional and national banks that have had liquidity issues leading to a bank run…
Celent have been talking about instant payments in the US for many, many years. Indeed, I was the very first person to speak at Nacha Payments o…
BaaS, PaaS, CBDCs, and PSD3 were the buzzwords that dominated many of the sessions and my conversations with colleagues at EBAday 2023 in Madrid…
It’s that time again, where Patty & I attend the Nacha Payments conference. This year it was in Las Vegas, after a long break from the city. Ind…
I always look forward to meeting with payments colleagues at the Nacha Smarter Faster Payments conference. It was my first time in Las Vegas in…
When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, millions of refugees began crossing the border into Poland and other neighbouring countries. H…