Telematics Brazil and LATAM 2015
19 - 20 October 2015
Hotel Tivoli, Sao Paulo
The Telematics Brazil and LATAM Conference & Exhibition will bring together the pioneers and innovators in Latin America to understand how to capitalise on low cost solutions and create solid business models that will increase profitability and drive the telematics market in the region.
Senior Analyst Juan Mazzini will be participating in the following panel session:
UBI, the Answer to Auto Insurance Adoption?
Non-mandatory car insurance in Brazil has led to slow adoption of UBI. Nonetheless, innovative business models are prompting an initial growth of telematics based insurance solutions.
- What can be done to support UBI scalability of products and services? Explore how value added services such as tracking or remote car control can help boost the growth of UBI
- Enable the next killer app for UBI with cost attractive solutions that will create a platform for mobile TSPs and insurers to embrace new services and encourage scale
- Discover the UBI trends which have transformed the North American and European market and comprehend how flexible UBI policies enable widespread adoption
Event details
Geographic Focus