In May 2024, barring any further delays, the United States and Canada will be shortening their trade settlement cycles from a two-day settlement…
Research related to GX Derivatives
Tokenization is this year’s hot topic in blockchain, and our conversations with clients often move quickly to predicting where the breakout use…
I’m extremely excited to announce my participation as a speaker at this year’s TradeTech FX Conference. The conference dates are February 16–18,…
FX is at the greatest inflection point since Nixon decoupled the dollar from gold in 1971. Foreign exchange (FX), and its technology demands, ar…
This year, Celent interviewed 25 chief information officers and senior technology leaders of global market infrastructure (MI) to understand the…
Celent explores the opportunities and challenges of the morphing sell side front office in this cross asset trading technology piece. The advent…
The clock is ticking for financial institutions (FIs) to adequately prepare for the seismic shift from the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)…
Treasury and capital markets divisions at banks continue to struggle with the trilemma of complying with regulatory changes and meeting evolving…
The (L)IBOR rate which we have all known and loved-then vilified and hated is going away. Regulators and market watchers saw the rate has easily…
The race is on to get lean and agile. Unfortunately, capital markets firms continue to struggle with common operational and technology challenge…
The pursuit for improving automation levels goes back a long time in the capital markets. Success has been achieved in some areas, but a lot rem…
Repo is THE tool to leverage for collateral management. Celent tells you how. The global repo market is ripe for change after years of stagnatio…
Regulations and macroeconomic evolution are influencing profitability and return on capital altering traditional capital markets business models…
Research related to PSS (Prime Settlement Service)
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
Third Party Administration (TPA) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) offers insurers a way to reduce costs, address operational issues, and c…
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Third Party Administration (TPA) services offer insurers a way to reduce costs, address operational issue…
Since 2011, Celent has been analyzing and evaluating BPO vendors. The 16 global vendors iprofiled in this report business process outsourcing (B…
Since 2011, Celent has been analyzing and evaluating BPO vendors. The 19 global vendors profiled in this report offer business process outsourci…
Raiffeisen Bank International, a well-established European bank operating across multiple markets, has been able to rapidly shift from an on-pre…
Just as COVID-19 provided the “aha” moment for accelerating digital transformation in the insurance industry, generative AI (Gen AI) is the “aha…
While the start of the decade was defined by the pandemic, the banking industry landscape over 2022-2023 has been driven by the growth of intere…
Are emerging technologies providing cost-effective options to manage closed block policies? In the L&A insurance segment, millions of policies t…
Industry standards are defined by industry-wide acceptance. It is that universality that makes them so hard to establish, and so useful once the…
Experiencing product value before purchase drives growth—Product-Led Growth:PLG •This is a primer for those who are not so familiar with Product…
Investment Culture Has Rooted in Japan, However Spread of Open APIs Is Slower than Expected In Japan, a country with a large amount of personal…
Not long ago insurers were resistant (or, at best hesitant) to move legacy data and applications to any place outside of the control of their ow…
"Conversions are very risky, painful and are never on-time!"— is this old saying still true for insurance system conversions? Apparently, there…
The market for IT services continues to grow as providers rebound in the wake of the pandemic. On one end, commoditization of technology infrast…
Research related to I-STAR/GX
In May 2024, barring any further delays, the United States and Canada will be shortening their trade settlement cycles from a two-day settlement…
Treasury and capital markets divisions at banks continue to struggle with the trilemma of complying with regulatory changes and meeting evolving…
The race is on to get lean and agile. Unfortunately, capital markets firms continue to struggle with common operational and technology challenge…
Corporate actions processing has lagged other areas in technology innovation. However, developments in new technology and low-cost operating mod…
Join us for this presentation by Arin Ray addressing corporate actions automation and how to leverage innovative technology to improving efficie…
A failure to elect on a corporate action due to an operational error can hurt the beneficiary financially. This exposes the firm to scrutiny abo…
With a more relaxed US regulatory climate, tax reform and growing cash reserves more public companies are building strategic growth through merg…
With growing volumes and complexities of corporate actions, intensifying regulatory scrutiny on transparency in corporate governance, and dimini…
The pursuit for improving automation levels goes back a long time in the capital markets. Success has been achieved in some areas, but a lot rem…
Intelligent automation-enabled tools promise to offer significant operational and efficiency improvements in the middle and back office in capit…
Research related to Global neXt Margins (GX Margins)
MB has enhanced its market risk and counterparty credit risk (CCR) management to meet global standards, including: A near real-time VaR calcul…
In May 2024, barring any further delays, the United States and Canada will be shortening their trade settlement cycles from a two-day settlement…
Tokenization is this year’s hot topic in blockchain, and our conversations with clients often move quickly to predicting where the breakout use…
FX is at the greatest inflection point since Nixon decoupled the dollar from gold in 1971. Foreign exchange (FX), and its technology demands, ar…
Celent explores the opportunities and challenges of the morphing sell side front office in this cross asset trading technology piece. The advent…
The clock is ticking for financial institutions (FIs) to adequately prepare for the seismic shift from the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)…
The (L)IBOR rate which we have all known and loved-then vilified and hated is going away. Regulators and market watchers saw the rate has easily…
The G-20 mandates are the gift that keeps on giving. Initial Margin (IM) is the latest installment in regulations aimed at reducing risk in OTC…
Initial margin (IM) requirements are a global regulatory regime intended to limit systemic contagion by offsetting losses if an OTC derivatives…
Repo is THE tool to leverage for collateral management. Celent tells you how. The global repo market is ripe for change after years of stagnatio…
Regulations and macroeconomic evolution are influencing profitability and return on capital altering traditional capital markets business models…
Digital technology enablement could augment alpha generation for active managers and stem the erosion against the tidal wave of passive investin…
Inappropriate conduct has cost the financial services industry a significant amount in direct losses, lawsuits, and fines since the last financi…
Celent shares prospective developments from innovative solutions and business models around shared services, utilities, and joint ventures as a…