I recently had the opportunity to attend FIS Emerald in Orlando, FL from May 26-29, 2024. Lasting over three fast-paced days, this conference is…
Research related to CreditLens
Yes, I DO think there is a strong connection between banking technology and sports car racing, so buckle your seat belts. Last week I had the op…
The migration of on premise banking applications to private and public cloud deployment has been underway for over a past decade.Early migration…
Last week the Celent corporate banking team published its annual Technology Trends Previsory: Corporate Banking 2024 Edition which can be downl…
The commercial loan origination and underwriting process still looks the same as it did 20 years ago. It starts with developing leads and fleshi…
Over the past five years, a few banks have mastered the formula for success in small loan origination. They are leveraging their incumbent advan…
From every crisis springs innovation. From the financial crisis of the late 2000s, seeds of small business credit innovation were sown, fertiliz…
Going into 2020, traditional banking approaches to credit were already under strain. The data and analytics revolution pioneered by Big Tech had…
In 2018 ING embarked on a multiyear program to reimagine application development and drive change within an agile, at-scale transformation frame…
Commercial loan origination has historically been complex and inefficient, requiring many disparate, disconnected steps to be completed, startin…
While LIBOR transition is a major program, it was never based on an immovable date like “the year 2000” (Y2K). It now seems possible that transi…
At the beginning of 2020, Corporate Banking revenue trends continued their annual upward trajectory. Just a few months later, those trends drama…
COVID-19 has taken an enormous human and economic toll on the world, and financial institutions globally are helping to implement government pro…
Loan application submissions under the SBA's Paycheck Protection Program (part of the US CARES Act) started slowly as lenders waited for clarifi…
Celent recognizes Santander UK as the winner of the 2020 Celent Model Bank Award for Commercial Lending for their initiative SME, Commercial, an…
Research related to Moody's Compliance & Third-Party Risk Management
Fighting financial crime has jumped to the top of Risk priorities in 2024, with a majority of Risk executives citing it as one of their top thre…
I recently attended an executive roundtable of the heads of AML, Sanctions and Screening programs for some prominent global banks and fintechs.…
Risk management technology spending is accelerating worldwide, driven by a combination of regulatory change, technological development, and macr…
While artificial intelligence has been selectively implemented to help banks fight financial crime, recent breakthroughs in AI technology promis…
Financial crime compliance operations are plagued with perhaps the most severe efficiency and accuracy issues in financial services. Fortunately…
Legacy technology can be a significant barrier to efficient operations in anti-money laundering and financial crime compliance. Banco do Brasil…
Watchlist screening has become the most-scrutinized area of AML compliance, and vendor solutions are evolving rapidly, driven by AI, machine lea…
Nasdaq and its subsidiary Verafin, just published their first Global Financial Crime Report. The report is making headlines for the size of its…
In 2024, technological turbulence – generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI), digital asset adoption, increased fraud and cyber risk – will r…
When 2023 opened with the scare of an SVB-led financial contagion, financial risk topped the list of CRO concerns. With that crisis averted, ope…
Financial crime compliance departments at banks and non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs) are challenged to keep up with the high volumes of a…
After nearly a year at the helm of Celent's Risk practice, I had the privilege of attending my inaugural Sibos conference. My colleagues Patrici…
The financial industry is facing increasing regulatory demands for assurance around watchlist management and sanctions screening. At first glanc…
What if you could identify and discard risky applicants before you took them through an expensive identity proofing exercise? What if you had a…
Recorded on July 19, 2023. Want to hear more about the current state of technology strategy and investment prioritization in the industry? Our w…