
Business Process Improvement: A Celent Executive Snap Poll

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17 October 2022

Available Only for Members of the NA Celent Insurance Executive Panel


Snap polls reflect questions posed by members of the Celent Executive Panel, a group of C level executives in the insurance industry. This question came about from a member that is that is looking at how to organize their business process improvement efforts. This deck provides a summary of the responses to a Snap Poll conducted in October 13 – 18, 2022. 26 insurers responded to this survey over the course of five days.

If you are an insurer and are interested in participating and receiving these snap polls, please email to verify eligibility.

The question that was posed was:


• Do you have a Business Process Improvement department or area? (You may call it something else – but essentially a part of the organization that is focused on identifying and implementing initiatives to improve process efficiencies and/or effectiveness)



•If yes, which area does the unit report up to?




–Information Technology

–Somewhere else (where)

•If yes, on a scale of 1-5, how “mature” is that department or area?

–Level 1: Processes unpredictable, poorly controlled and reactive

–Level 2: Processes characterized for projects and is often reactive

–Level 3: Processes characterized for the organization and is proactive (projects tailor their processes from the org’s standards)

–Level 4: Processes measured and controlled

–Level 5: Focus on improving already documented processes; optimization

•Do you have an Innovation department or area?



•If yes, are they in the same area as Business Process?



•Do you have a Change Management department or area?



•If yes, are they in the same area as Business Process?



•Do you have a Customer Experience department or area?



•If yes, are they in the same area as Business Process?



•If you have more than one of these areas, how have you defined their roles in order to eliminate duplication or overlap or conflict? Are there any suggestions you have for minimizing overlap

•Do you have any other thoughts or advice for this insurer as they think through their organization?