
Naehas: Uniting Product Offer Design and Delivery

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13 June 2023

Delivering a Strong Compliant Customer Experience through Product, Pricing, and Offer Management


Customer remediation has become a huge financial issue in banking, with costs for some banks reaching well into the billions. A primary cause for recent fines and redress costs has been regulatory action around customer overcharging, often concerning misapplied fees or interest charges that were unauthorized, shouldn’t have been applied, or effectively hidden to the customer due to poor communication over the product lifecycle (such as transparency around whether customer had met offer conditions).

Naehas’ offering is a broad platform that supports marketing, product management, and customer servicing business functions, with integrated compliance controls and handling to deliver a strong personalized customer experience throughout the offer lifecycle. Significantly, it also includes offer, product, and pricing management, allowing full product lifecycle management from strategy, campaign, and offer design all the way through to offer fulfillment (including ongoing disclosure management and offer tracking).

This Solution Brief provides an overview of Naehas's platform, exploring opportunities and considerations for financial institutions.