
Best-In-Class Digital Insurance

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14 July 2021

Digital Engagement Strategies From Five Leading-Class Insurance Companies

Key research questions

  • What does leading-class, end-to-end digital insurance look like today?
  • How can Insurance companies improve their digital experiences and customer engagement?
  • Is digital transformation precipitating a "race to the bottom” in insurance?


Real-world examples provide the most concrete way to explore critical questions driving changes in insurance today. As a result, we animated several questions through interviews with five senior insurance executives who are each responsible for innovation and digital experience at their organizations. The result is the enclosed “Best In Class Digital Insurance” report containing fascinating case studies illustrating how each organization is grappling with digital engagement.

Creating compelling or engaging experiences is a tall order for insurers who for decades have sold products in purely utilitarian terms, are (historically) difficult to buy, and are not really a source of pride or joy once purchased. In short, almost no one really wants to buy insurance for a variety of reasons. We provide real-world examples for how insurers have addressed the perception, experience and engagement requirements to overcome legacy issues.