
Amazon's fall from the cloud

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23 April 2011


  • Hi
    I am looking to find out if Capital markets trading platform and back office services can benefit from Cloud + HPC adoption.
    Currently in India capital markets run only for 6.5 hrs * 5 days. lot of time goes in post trade settlements, etc..
    Can the capital markets benefit by exploiting the infinite scale with High Performance Computing capability together to run some Capital markets for greater number of hrs and slowly may be 24*7*365 (wishful thinking)
    Would like to know your views, may be we can discuss this to build a solution/view point too...please let me know your views.
    I am on +91-976 55 65 057

  • I do see uses for the could in computationally intensive activities that are spiky. I cover retail and wholesale banking and don't have a firm view of how capital markets should use the cloud. If there is some serious analytics that can be run that doesn't require the exporting of proprietary data, go for it.