Webinar: Debt Collections in the COVID-19 era and beyond – Practical considerations and tools
The pandemic has created huge challenges for banks all over the world. In terms of debt collections, a shift from outbound calling to responding to inbound requests, as well as from collections to rescheduling has already taken place, while a new generation of customers in collections is being created. Going forward, and despite measures taken by regulators to inject liquidity or defer instalments in local economies, the signs are clear that a debt tsunami is to be expected. This will once more bring debt collections teams in the epicenter, as they will be asked to handle a steep increase of incoming requests, safeguard the bottom line of their organization, treat debtors fair and with empathy, while missing several of their tools, which are not working any more.
Join EXUS’ Chris Maranis, Debt Collections Technology Specialist, and Craig Focardi, CELENT’s Senior Analyst, as they share experiences from debt collections teams around the world and identify specific tools that can be used in the preparation and response to this upcoming wave. The webinar will include a Q&A session at the end.
Please register if you are unable to attend but would like to receive the recorded webinar.