Tomorrow’s Mobile Banking – Hear What Top US Banks Are Doing to Get a Glimpse into the Crystal Ball
11 September 2013
Virtual Event, Virtual Event
Register at: http://www.americanbanker.com/webseminars/-1060995-1.html?st=Cust&s=celent
Are you a bank executive looking to expand your mobile banking solution to meet tomorrow’s customer requirements? This webinar is for you. Join Celent and Kony to find out how the mobile application landscape is evolving, what top banks are doing to prepare for future mobile banking, and what influence they have on small banks’ mobile developments. Take a glimpse at the US mobile market today and ultimately find out how banks are supporting all of their customers with a secure, integrated, and multi-channel mobile solution.
Register at: http://www.americanbanker.com/webseminars/-1060995-1.html?st=Cust&s=celent