22 - 25 July 2018
Minneapolis, MN, United States
Karlyn Carnahan will be a Session Speaker for two presentations at this year's AASCIF.
What is the future of distribution in the small and medium-sized markets?on 7/23/2018.
- Buyers are changing. They are being conditioned by the internet to expect that they can interact with insurers in any manner they choose. These changing expectations mean that carriers are forced to assess and address new channels while finding ways of preserving their franchise value and preserving existing channels. And so, distribution channels are exploding. WC insurers are adding channels, moving into new territories, going direct to consumer, and working with insurtech startups to drive more business. Join us for a panel discussion featuring a InsurTech startup selling WC direct to consumer, an InsurTech platform provider enabling insurers to sell direct through an intermediary, and a traditional WC insurer. We’ll discuss the emerging trends in the marketplace, the ins and outs of their channel models and the implications for the future.
You have transformed the core. What’s next? on 7/23/2018.
- How IT departments need to be transforming the core systems have been replaced.
- Topics to be discussed:
1. Talent
2. Vendor management skills
3. Scalability
4. Governance and Planning - Look at what has worked in the past, what has changed, and what new approaches are required.
Celent provides best practices and what they are seeing across IT organizations across.
Event details
Property & Casualty Insurance
Geographic Focus
North America