FinTech Connect Live
In London alone annual fintech revenue is estimated at £20bn and growing. Of this, £3.6bn is attributed to emergent (disruptive) FinTech whilst the other £16.4bn is generated by incumbent players. Everyone is innovating and investment in the space has erupted at all levels of the scale. FinTech Connect Live is a marketplace; it is where technology and innovation professionals from leading financial institutions come to assess the latest products in their fields, where investors go to meet high potential growth businesses, where partnerships are forged between established tech providers and new market entrants, where start ups and scale ups go to meet financiers, advisors and prospect customers, and where the very latest cutting edge products on the market are demoed.
SVP Jamie Macgregor will be giving a keynote presentation on Day 2 of the conference titled FinTech for Insurance Providers.