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Velexa offers B2B investing and trading technology solutions that empower companies to launch investment services, digitise the end-user experience, broaden access to different asset classes, and overcome the constraints of in-house legacy systems – all in a matter of weeks.

Business models:

API - providing access to 700k investment instruments

IaaS - branded investment mobile app and web terminal connected to Executing Broker

PaaS - multi-asset and global market access front-to-back investment platform - Web Terminal, Mobile apps, Desktop, CRM and KYC, RMS and OMS, Corporate Actions, Reporting

Key Functionality:

  • Fractional and Notional Shares and Bonds

  • ESG

  • Bond screener;

  • Basket trader;

  • Trade blotter;

  • Options board

  • MAM and MAT

  • Thematic watchlists

  • Flexible layout allowing to adjust widget according to user’s preference

  • Market depth;

  • Time and Sales;

  • Price Alerts

Key Benefits

  • Freedom of Capital - Invest in all financial markets via a single multi-currency account supporting 700,000+ assets, including stocks, ETFs, bonds, options, futures, metals

  • Unique Wealth journey - Flexible parametrisation & configuration of 250+ components to build a refined but simultaneously rich experience

  • 360 Customer view - Holistic view of Banking & Brokerage activities

  • Open Banking - Plug & play integration and connectivity through a comprehensive API framework

  • Personalisation - Intimately unique & adaptive user experience: price notifications, risk appetite

  • Contextualisation- Push the right content at the right time: proactive
    news, analytics, fundamental data

  • Time to market - With our robust product in place, firms can focus on branding and messaging instead of spending months or years building an investment solution while newer players take the lead.

  • Respects privacy by operating an undisclosed end-customer model

  • Creates a back-bone for building an ecosystem of providers beyond Velexa