SuisseTechPartners (https://www.suissetechpartners.com/) is a market-leading, cloud-native Portfolio Management System, built by industry experts with decades of market experience. PMplus is a front to back wealth and asset management solution.
We have a wide range of products including:
Portofolio management System
Accounting and Multi-jurisdictional NAV
Investment Book of RecordSuisseTechPartners (https://www.suissetechpartners.com/) is a market-leading, cloud-native Portfolio Management System, built by industry experts with decades of market experience. PMplus is a front to back wealth and asset management solution. We have a wide range of products including: Portofolio management System Accounting and Multi-jurisdictional NAV Investment Book of Record Partnership Accounting Order Management OMS Regulatory Compliance and IRM Management Fees and Billing Cash Management Multi-asset Class Integration Data Management Platform Reconciliation Services Client Reporting and Web-portal Customer Onboarding and KYC GIPS Performance and VAR modelling
Partnership Accounting
Order Management OMS
Regulatory Compliance and IRM
Management Fees and Billing
Cash Management
Multi-asset Class Integration
Data Management Platform
Reconciliation Services
Client Reporting and Web-portal
Customer Onboarding and KYC
GIPS Performance and VAR modelling