IVP Cash Master is a comprehensive, customizable solution for processing payments, balance monitoring, and straight-through processing (STP). It…
IVP Data Warehouse (Polaris) is our flagship operational data store. It gives asset managers an efficient, effortless way to collate, cleanse, e…
IVP Enterprise Data Manager (EDM) collects traditional and alternate datasets from disparate sources using a flexible, domain-aware, enterprise-…
IVP Expense Manager streamlines expense allocations, codifying complex and fund-specific policies that can be automated for higher overall effic…
IVPNAVigate helps fund manage NAV oversight and control and establishes the integrity of NAV measures. It reduces the unnecessary administrative…
IVP Price Master calculates and automates daily and monthly pricing for fund portfolios as well as manages the marking process efficiently for li…
IVP Recon is a best-in-class solution designed to help alternative asset managers reconcile positions, activities and cash balances against prim…
IVP Regulatory Reporting (Raptor) helps buy-side managers comply with regulatory mandates covering periodic filings, threshold disclosures, and d…
IVP Security and Reference Master centralizes storage and management of mission-critical security and reference data. Its open architecture, fle…
IVP Treasury enables multi-strategy alternative and institutional asset managers to track, control, and optimize collateral, cash, and margin ma…