
Concirrus Ltd

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Concirrus is a leading Insurtech specialising in transforming the future of risk selection, pricing and claims using the latest developments in data analytics, AI, machine learning, and digitalisation. Concirrus' intelligence platform Quest, helps organisations improve loss ratios, reduce operational expense and access increased deal sizes,

and new trading relationships. By capturing and understanding customer behaviour, delivering data-rich insights at scale, underwriting teams are empowered to make rapid data-driven decisions. Over 20 market-leading companies including Marsh, Beazley, Hiscox, Chaucer and Willis Re trust Concirrus’ technology to power their risk making decisions. Headquartered in London with an international presence, Concirrus has a 100-strong team of experts that specialise in data analytics, AI and machine learning, as well as having a rich understanding of the global insurance market.


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