Commerce Bank has a 150+ year history of innovation and financial strength.
Our history of innovation and commitment to theinsurance industry ensures our continued long-term investment and continued development ofour products.
We have continually expanded our long-standinginvestment in people, technology, product offeringsand service channels to bring the utmost value andconvenience to our customers, thus improving theability to serve the evolving needs of our customers.This strategy, coupled with our communityinvolvement, has given us a leadership position.
Our services and solutions are backed with confidence, ensuring stability ofleadership and financial support, backed by over 26billion in assets. Risk of financial peril and uncertaintyof your banking partner is minimized with us.
Known as a business-trusted brand throughoutthe United States, our commitment to our clientshas garnered significant positive public reputationand public trust. As your banking partner with anestablished reputation, we will always work to ensurethat your company and Commerce Bankremain in that light.