We offer digital corporate banking solutions based on our MULTIVERSA product suite for banks, service providers and product vendors with focus on the bank-to-customer relation.
- Based on business goals accelerate digital optimisation or transformation
- Increased customer satisfaction & acquisition
- Outstanding UX, innovation & simplicity
- Reduced processes & improved digitalization
- Market position ahead of competition
- Increase digital revenue with tailored offerings
- Customer Lifecycle Management Platform
Manage your processes and workflows efficiently and reduce cost and efforts. Equally importantly – build up and increases customer loyalty from the very beginning. The scope includes beside other modules soltuions for onboarding, customer analystics, customer communications.
See website: https://www.coconet.de/en/customer-lifecycle-management-platform/ - Digital Experience & Integration Platform
Transforms your customer channels into a seamless digital experience by unifying functionality from traditional core systems, applications and new fintech services. Our platform is agnostic to any core banking system.
See website: https://www.coconet.de/en/digital-experience-integration-platform/ - Corporate Banking Suite
Innovate your corporate banking services via online, mobile or Open API channels. Utilize our superior features and leading-edge technology within short time.
See website: https://www.coconet.de/en/corporate-banking-solutions/
Many international and domestic banks use our MULTIVERSA solution like Citi, HSBC, ING, JPMorgan, KBC, GarantiBank, UniCredit, etc. and providers like equensWorldline, OpenText, etc.