CloudAttribution Ltd offers performance and attribution calculation and reporting for long only and long / short portfolios and hedge funds using a cloud based approach and the latest reporting technologies. We can handle equities, multi-asset and fixed income portfolios using a model based on daily holdings and transactions. We focus on three elements to ensure high quality, insightful results:
Data Quality: We provide the performance analyst with tool to help collect and maintain high quality input data, identifying any inconsistencies between holdings and transactions. Our approach pinpoints pricing and booking errors and provides quick feedback to the operations team to enable them to remedy mistakes before they lead to further problems.
Transparency: We provide tools to quickly identify the main contributors to performance. Our delivery mechanism, through the internet, allows performance specialists and portfolio managers to all access the data at their desktops. More eyes on the output ensures familiarity with the numbers and increases portfolio managers’ confidence in their portfolio positioning.
Simplicity: We have avoided complexity to ensure clarity of insights. We have found that a simpler approach is already enough to identify the sources and reasons for performance.
Please feel free to get in touch to find out more: info@cloudattribution.com