Lookwise Device Manager is a modular security platform that centralizes policy definition and operations at a single point allowing you to prote…
The solutions that leverages advanced self-service and an integrated omnichannel software platform, creating a branch where technology has a piv…
True Multivendor Software WWS ATM is a proven, fully integrated ATM management solution that delivers significant reductions in operational and…
WWS BAM WWS Business Analytics Management enables banks to leverage the value of Big Data, by easily and flexibly aggregating them to provide fu…
The integrated solution to optimise cash management The use of cash – especially in countries where it is the most common form of payment – brin…
The superior customer welcoming solution for branch banking WWS Customer Management is a solution designed to offer banks the technology they ne…
The ultimate in branch customer service Bank branches are being steadily transformed from traditional service models to highly automated centres…
WWS Mobile is a highly secure and fully integrated solution that provides a rich suite of mobile banking, payments, alerting and messaging servi…
The Marketing Control Panel OnetoOne OMNIA is the WWS module for the planning and editing of marketing and customer relations campaigns, startin…
Proactive Monitoring of Self Service Networks The WWS Proactive Monitoring OMNIA module is an integral component of the WWS omnichannel banking…
WWS Signage is an integral component of the WWS omnichannel banking suite for the Digital Signage channel and for the deployment of audio-visual…