Docaposte, digital subsidiary of La Poste group (French post), is a digital and services company based in France.
Docaposte delivers digital and physical services for Insurance, Bank and Finance industries.
Docaposte is a trust third party leader in France with:
- Digital identity (only company certified by ANSSI at level 2 "subtanciel")
- Electronic signature (French leader with Contralia)
- Time stamp (leader in France with Certinomis)
- Electronic Archiving System (leader inFrance with Arkhineo)
- Health data cloud with 4 owned datacenters in France
Docaposte is a major company in IT services with more than 2500 engineers and consultants to support our customer in their digital transformation. Docaposte has expertise in UX/UI, conception and realization of webportals, integration of business solutions.
Docaposte is the leader in France in editing, document management system, digitization...
Docaposte becomes a key actor in BPO.
Docaposte is leeder to build large digital platform like :
- "Fichier des Véhicules Assurés" for AGIRA: insurance company have obligation to declare insured vehicules with 24 hours. This database is used by policies forces
- ORIAS digital platform: all insurance intermediaries must regitster on this official plateform
- ...
Docaposte's services are regularly audited and comply with regulation:
- ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS18001
- ISO 27001
- HDS (Health Data hoSting), NF Systèmes d'Archivage Electronique
- ISO18295-1, NF SERVICE Relation CLient
Docaposte supports your transformation over time to imagine, design and operate your services of tomorrow.