Torstone Technology, a leading provider of post-trade securities and derivatives processing, today announces that Optiver, the global electronic…
Torstone Technology, a leading provider of post-trade securities and derivatives processing, today announces that Optiver, the global electronic…
Torstone Technology, a leading provider of securities and derivatives processing software to the global financial markets, and Daiwa Capital Mar…
Torstone Technology has added an international processing tool for US clients to its flagship post-trade securities and derivatives processing s…
London — 16 March 2015 — Panmure Gordon, a leading independent institutional stockbroker and investment bank has signed a multi-year deal with T…
London — 17 February 2015 — Torstone Technology, providers of securities and derivatives post-trade processing software to the global financial…
London— 18 December 2014 — In June of this year, Torstone Technology signed a multi-year contract with Liquidnet – the global institutional trad…
Percentile and Torstone partner to offer integrated risk, finance, back & middle office technology solutions London— 20 Nov 2014 — Percentile,…
London— 16 July 2014 — Torstone Technology has announced that its latest new client, GFI Group — a global OTC and listed markets intermediary —…
Managing speed to market, cost-efficiency, agility and control is no easy task. Outsource key operations and you stand to cut costs and boost ef…
London — 16 April 2014 — Torstone Technology, providers of securities and derivatives processing software to the global financial markets, last…
N+1 Singer optimises outsourcing model with Torstone's Inferno London— 8 April 2014 — Leading UK broker, N+1 Singer has signed a multi-year deal…
London— 11 December 2013 — Torstone Technology, providers of securities and derivatives processing software to the global financial markets, an…
London— December 11 2013 — Torstone Technology, providers of securities and derivatives processing software to the global financial markets, an…
http://www.torstonetechnology.com/press-releases/torstone-technology-furthers-asian-expansion-with-singapore-office/ Singapore — November 2013…