What is PlanGen?
PlanGen is an SSL-secured, Tier III / ISO 27001-hosted, high-performance Internet web application delivering sophisticated, advanced-market defined contribution (DC), defined benefit (DB), fully insured Section 412(e)(3) and hybrid pension benefit plans and other illustrations to Advisors, Advisor networks and their prospective clients.
What is PlanGen's Purpose?
PlanGen was developed to radically reduce lead-time and expense in delivering customized, compliant, consistent, compelling, plan concept illustrations and presentations to clients. The capability to produce qualified plan designs was trapped on desktop applications or in proprietary actuarial systems, turning the gateway into a choke point in delivery to advisor networks.
PlanGen delivers a web based tool built to serve as a compliance gateway, provide advisor network management, activity monitoring and alerts, as well as generate presentation branding customization for multiple sales channels. PlanGen offers these next generation features in a scalable manner, and at more affordable pricing when compared to legacy methods.
What can PlanGen do for our company?
- The PlanGen user account hierarchy can be configured to map to your organizational structure.
- Flexible account permission structure from administrators to alias advisors.
- Empower experienced support staff to deliver more to advisors and clients with less effort.
- Presentation branding, co-branding and campaign theme alignment.
- Reports and analytics on field force activity.
- Get more proposals on the street, deliver ultra fast revisions, and install more plans.
Benefits of PlanGen:
- Reduce the cost of generating benefit plan concept illustrations by up to 98%.
- Increase sales potentials while lowering costs.
- Increase speed, consistency, reliability, compliance, monitoring and responsive delivery of illustrations & presentations to clients throughout the sales force.
- Allow organizations to dramatically scale up the number of proposals on the street without increasing illustration staff. More proposals = more plans.
- Convert user account costs to positive revenue streams for the enterprise while increasing the potential for increased product sales volume through more proposals per quarter.