
10x Banking

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Celent have reviewed this profile and believe it to be accurate.
We are waiting for the vendor to publish their solution profile. Contact us or request the RFX.
Projects allow you to export Registered Vendor details and survey responses for analysis outside of Marsh CND. Please refer to the Marsh CND User Guide for detailed instructions.
Download Registered Vendor Survey responses as PDF
Contact vendor directly with specific questions (ie. pricing, capacity, etc)


10x Banking (10x) is a London-based B2B technology company providing banks with a cloud-native core banking platform.

10x's product vision is to offer banks a platform to build, adapt and evolve banking through the latest technologies, innovations and products; to unlock 10x the potential for their business and best serve their customers.

Our focus is in providing a flexible platform implementation and service that advance the performance of and cater for the vastly varying needs of global banks.