Vymo DistributionHUB
Vymo Distribution Hub is your core Distribution Management Platform
DistributionHub is designed for desktop users to manage data and many functions within the Vymo Distribution Management Platform.
DistributionHub includes tools to import and manage hierarchies (multiple models) with your sales channels.
You also have an integration platform to bring in and manage additional data such as quotes, policies, claims commission statements and other materials you may wish to make available to Vymo system users.
Distribution Hub includes tools to configure Vymo without needing to go into full development mode.
Tools include features like workflow, playbooks, documents, notifications and alerts that can be deployed to assist users.
Key Features
Vymo DistributionHUB Key Features
Data Integration - bring in relevent data such as producer records, policies, quotes, commission results, claims etc
Configuration Workbench - change settings such as add fields, create relationships, build pages etc without going into a developer mode.
Producer Records - set up your hierarchies they way you want them - reporting relationships, geographies, product teams etc using multiple hierarchies
Hierarchy Management - multiplke hierarchies allow you to create the structures you can work with easily.
- Configuration Tools - tools that help automate actions and functions within Vymo modules.
Key Benefits
Vymo DistributionHUB Key Benefits for Customers
- "Single pane of glass" for sales managers, wholesale managers, direct sales execs, recruiters and onboarding teams.
- Benefit from AI learning to develop best practices for your teams - implement them as process playbooks.
- Reduce the failure or turnover of individuals in your selling teams - machine learning and AI will identify high risk individuals for you.
- Training: Utilize AI intelligence to uncover training opportunities that will drive sales performance and reduce churn in your channels.
- Sales Leadership Focus: to AI generated nudges and suggestions that direct sales leaders to activities with high impact on results.
- Ensure your channels are paying attention to the right customers at the right times - also reduces customer churn.
- Vymo will help identify external sales parties that are at risk and offer suggestions to bring them back on track.
- Have tools in place to manage your sales, recruiting and onboarding workplaces at any time.