Rowboat Portfolio Optimizer for Wealth Management
Our portfolio optimizer finds the best feasible portfolio that balances competing goals and satisfies constraints.
The goals that can be simultaneously supported are:
- tracking a target, with or without a factor model
- tax efficiency
- transaction cost
- holding cost
Sample constraints are e.g. minimum ESG scores, tax budgets, min / max % in a single security or asset class, etc.
The above includes direct indexing with tax loss harvesting and ESG, multi-asset class portfolios possibly including alternative assets, and more.
Key Features
See extensive demos in:
Key Benefits
- Speed: sub-second, even for a 1,000-stock DI portfolio; even faster, for smaller ones.
- Scalability to millions of accounts.
- Tax sophistication: industry-leading.
- Expertise: founded in 2016 by the software developer who built the industry's first "robo" DI+TLH at Wealthfront. Required specialized knowledge (optimization, math, stats, etc.) Complex, so even large firms tend to license, not build.
- 100% automated, not "almost automated"; can run as "robo" with no human involvement.
- Speed of innovation: well-architected, so custom features are easy to build.
- Safety: backtester uncovers unexpected scenarios before they affect customers.
- Deep feature set.
- Extreme attention to detail.
- Competitive differentiators: tax alpha strategies beyond DI+TLH; backtester enables personalization in tuning the strategy; plus more.
Product/Service details