E-Rob - RCTR-C (Carriers Insurance)
Within the Marine Insurance, the origin of information will always be linked to the one who is responsible for shipping goods and/or products and who, under an insurance contract, needs to provide shipment information before commencement of the risk to the insurer.
In the specific case of the Carrier Liability Insurance, the ANTT Resolution No. 4799/2015 obliges carriers to register shipments to their insurers before commencement of the risk, in order to obtain proper insurance coverage.
When this communication is made and the shipment conforms the conditions stipulated by the insurance terms and conditions, the insurer (or service provider contracted by the same) issues a Electronic Declaration Protocol (Protocolo de Averbação Eletrônica), which is included in the Carrier’s Electronic Bill of Lading (Conhecimento de Transporte Eletronico – CT-e), a mandatory operation for any and all transportation.
In addition to this notification to the insurer and confirmation of coverage through the Registration Protocol, a report is issued in the end of the month, which will then be used for issuance of the monthly invoice of the Carrier Liability Insurance (RCTR-C).
That is one of the main products marketed by Senig Automação.
Key Features
Among the main features of the product, we must highlight:
a.Many are the forms and ways of the Electronic Shipment Declaration (declaração eletrônica) made available by Senig Automação:
i.Via E-mail (E-mail Data Exchange) – An exclusivity of SENIG AUTOMAÇÃO: EDI system that allows the Insured to enroll a personalized mailbox in their ERP and send the CTE, NFE(XML) [e-invoice] or personalized document (TXT/CSV/WPS) via e-mail to the personalized mailbox for declaration. The enrollment of the mailbox is made directly in the document issuance system of the insured (ERP), so there is no need for a manual process to have the information sent in. This process excludes the need for the customer to install any capture application in their infrastructure;
ii. Via Server Installed on the Client (Data Server Module):EDI system that performs the registrations directly within the Insured/Carrier’s infrastructure, whilst interacting with the ERP system. This module is 100% configured and customized for each Insured;
iii.Via Web Service (Data Web Service Module): For those customers who require fast, on-line integrations and lack the IT infrastructure, they can rely on the on-line integration of files. The Web Service Module performs the registrations directly on SENIG's Servers - through a pre-determined up-load combined with the Insured, thus ensuring agility and safety;
iv.Manual Declaration:for small-size customers or which lack their own or outsourced IT infrastructure, there is the option to perform manual declaration through the Senig Portal.
b.Access to the Electronic Shipment Declaration Protocol by the customer:
In order to facilitate access and in accord with the size or need of the customer, SENIG AUTOMAÇÃO has developed a number of options for attainment and return of the Electronic Shipment Declaration Protocol.
1.Access Via Customer Portal – Protocol Query: perhaps this is another of the great differentials of Senig Automação, where both the Insured (carrier or shipper) and all carriers (in the case of stipulation policies) will have access to query on each of the protocols issued;
2.Access Via Server Module – XML File Return: for customers who have the Server Module File installed, Senig Automação has developed a Service that will create a PROTOCOL folder within the Senig System installation directory and will deposit an XML file for each declaration number generated;
3.Access via “Protocol Consultation Module” Application:Application installed on the customer's local database, the Insured has access to confirmation of the declaration at the time of document issuance. The files are consulted one at a time;
4.Access Via WebService: Application developed for companies that, besides willing “real-time” information on the Electronic Shipment Declaration Protocols, have a large volume of documents to query. Here, the Electronic Shipment Declaration Protocol number is automatically inserted and integrated in the Insured's ERP, including the Protocol Number in the tax document or compatible document;
c.Contingency of Risks and Operational Information
Senig Automação and its entire technical and professional team watches over the integrity and secrecy of the information received from its customers.
Such zeal and responsibility are note stemmed only from the obligation imposed by the current LGPD (Brazilian General Data Protection Act) but, rather, from the goal of preventing that - over the process of collection with the customer, the loading of information in our systems, the sending of the necessary data to the insurer, and the subsequent storage of information - the data get intermingled or even inappropriately and inadvertently accessed by third parties that are not part of the insured/insurer/broker/SENIG relationship.
Thus, a brief explanation in regard of our operational processes and of what we have developed to mitigate risks is in order:
i.Collection of Information:The capture of all documents in WSDL, XML, TXT, CSV, PRN and/or any other format is performed through a security key that is generated from the insured's Tax Number (CNPJ). During the process of receipt or query of files in the Servers, the system identifies the ID generated and qualifies the information in order to distribute registration to each Insured. Thus, we ensure that the protocols generated are exclusive to each Insured. In case of a negative identification of the document, the system provides the sender/transmitter of the request with the error generated and a preview of the error of the transaction of attempted view/import of the information.
ii.Loading of information into the system:Senig Automação has a load balancing distribution system for receipt and distribution of data files of the Insured. This system allows for Cloud servers to adjust during demands, so that all of the Insured are served promptly and the protocols are made available.
iii.The Auto-Clustering Systemallows for Senig to have a scenario of high availability and processing and, so, regardless of demand, our servers are able to adjust to meet the entire demand generated by the various customers. Besides safety in the operations carried out, this process endows us with growth without compromising the quality and agility of responses.
iv.As these are High-Availability Cloud-Cluster servers, in the case of Failover, we have at least 3 nodes in our Cluster-Server. In that manner, we ensure that the data will continue to be received and distributed.
v.Availability of information to the Insurer:Senig Automação has a DNS Server Cluster with different ISPs. In that manner, we have managed to reduce the impact of a DNS failure. In addition to the DNS Cluster, we furthermore have domains and subdomains published, www.senig.com.br and www.senigaverba.com.br. The WWW servers are prepared to respond on both servers in case of DNS failures.
Additionally, we are able to inform that every file reception is performed by E-Rob (Robots). This tool was developed by Senig Automação in order to handle the file of origin of the registration, upon receipt and identification of the same. E-Rob inserts the information in our database and creates an identifier that allows our systems to ensure the generated record has inviolable properties. That prevents any human failure and/or inviolability in the process, ensuring the integrity of the registration before third parties.
Key Benefits
The key benefits are:
a.Process automation;
b.Ease of installation and parameterization on the client;
c.Ease of access to information;
d.Operations for Carriers automatically assuming the Waiver of Right to Subrogation (Dispensa de Direito de Regresso / DDR);
e.Initial registration based on minutes, packing lists, etc., which are then replaced by Carrier’s Electronic Bill of Lading (Conhecimento de Transporte Eletronico – CT-e) automatically;
f.Automatic reading and treatment in the Senig System for the instances of cancelled, rejected Carrier’s Electronic Bill of Lading (Conhecimento de Transporte Eletronico – CT-e) or which have undergone any change;
g.Sending automatic and informative notifications to the customer, demonstrating several situations that may lead to the non-indemnification of a claim by the insurer. We are the only company in the market that has these notifications;
h.Reduction of Administrative Costs by having the lowest market cost;