Advanced-Functionality ATMs: The Next Generation
Boston, MA, USA March 6, 2002 As the ATM industry suffers from declining transactions, banks are looking to leverage ATMs in new ways, using advanced functionalities to offset high system costs. Using ATMs as a one-to-one marketing channel for targeted upselling and cross-selling will be the most significant new trend. From fewer than 1,000 ATMs worldwide dedicated to one-to-one marketing in 2001, Celent Communications predicts this number will reach 80,000 by 2005.
According to Neil Katkov, co-author of the report, "After years of focus on the Internet and call centers, ATMs are becoming a central channel in banks distribution strategies. The main factors driving the adoption of advanced functionality include declining transactions and fees, as well as an increased emphasis on channel optimization and targeted one-to-one marketing."Isabella Fonseca, co-author of the report adds, "Although the development of advanced functionalities will depend on individual country demographics and technological advances, multi-channel integration will be essential to all successful ATM initiatives. Emphasis should be placed on integrating the ATM with other existing channels to ensure consistent data throughout multiple customer touch-points." A Table of Contents is available online. |
of Celent Communication's Retail Banking research service can download the report electronically by clicking on the icon to the left. |