
Electronic Invoicing: What’s in it for banks?

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12 August 2009


  • Hello Enrico,

    It may be worth looking into the inter-bank invoicing process for additional insight into the approach that many banks have towards e-invoicing.

    Paper invoices are still the defacto means of communication but increasing pressure from the client side of the relationship is forcing the service providers to rethink their strategy.

    The service differentiators are often quite marginal so the service providers seem less concerned about charging their clients to provide electronic invoices and more concerned about retaining them.

    We are currently helping 2 global banks to drive cost-savings and process efficiencies in this area and I'd be more than happy to discuss our experiences in more detail.


  • @Michael Bush

    Let's find some time to talk about your experiences.
    I'd be more than happy to learn more about this subject.

  • Hi Enrico,

    In your research project have you had a look at the Scandinavian countries and the banks present there?

  • Preben Lybekk :Hi Enrico,
    In your research project have you had a look at the Scandinavian countries and the banks present there?

    @Preben Lybekk


    @Preben Lybekk