
When Credit Card ID Checks Go Awry

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24 January 2012


  • Great point about how this is unavoidable at online retailers. Much as I love shopping online, I dread receiving emails like the one I got from Zappos last week.

  • I was asked for my ID for a credit card transaction for the very first time last week. At first I was pleased as I thought I was being "carded" as a result of my youthful good looks (cue my colleagues sniggering!). Then I remembered I was buying clothes for my daughters, not alcohol!

    What I found strange was that the ID I provided was a UK ID. There is no way that person would know if it was fake or not. Indeed, just to recognise fake ID of just one type, say a US divers license, would be a challenge for anything but the most blatant copies. Equally, if I had had my wallet stolen, this ID would have been alongside the very card it was validating.

    Which rather raises the question of how useful the process is. If merchants are truly worried about fraud then they should be pushing for better security solutions. That may or may not be EMV, but almost anything must be better than is being employed currently.

    As an aside, but I think related, is the fact that one of the largest source of losses for UK issued cards is from stolen cards that are used overseas. Guess which country that most losses have come from? That has occupyied the top slot for more than 5 years? With more losses than the next 4 countries combined?

    The US.

    US card security isn't just a US problem.