Delivery Innovation: Branch Automation in Europe
Paris, France July 19, 2002 Delivery Innovations: Branch Automation in EuropeAfter years of being eclipsed by electronic channels, branch renewal is emerging as a top priority at major banks. In a new report, Celent analyses the strategies developed by European Commercial Banks to leverage their branch networks .
The continued growth of bank branches over the last decade, which has occurred in spite of the increased number of delivery channels, underlines the importance of placing branches centrally within a bank痴 multiple delivery channels. In addition, the need to increase efficiency and enable effective cross-selling drives investment in branch automation technology. Celent Communications expects that, for the entire commercial banking industry in Europe, IT spending in branch automation will grow 6% in the next two years, increasing to 8% by 2006, to total 7.9bn. According to Axel Pierron, author of the report, "We found that the ratio of clients to a single branch should be around 2000- 3000 : 1 in order to have a high productivity ratio. Because Branch Automation technologies can hasten all branch processes, it can raise that ratio to 3500-4500 : 1. This should create more sales opportunities within the branch and at the same time reduce the operating cost of the branch network." Axel Pierron added that "the focus is on branch innovation more than on simply retooling traditional branches, so banks will also initiate innovative approaches to rationalize their branch network." A Table of Contents is available online. |
of Celent Communications' Retail Banking research service can download the report electronically by clicking on the icon to the left. |