
Claims Fraud Detection Systems: 2018 IT Vendor Spectrum

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15 May 2018

Detecting potential frauds is an important task. All insurers need to perform well.

Key research questions

  • Who are the main vendors active in the claims fraud detection area in insurance?
  • What are the key resources and capabilities of a claims fraud detection solution?
  • What are the fraud detection techniques offered as part of a claims fraud detection system?


To generate underwriting profits, insurers need to consider all technologies that can help them improve their technical ratios. Among these ratios, the loss ratio is key. In this report, Celent profiles claims fraud detection system vendors insurers can use to mitigate frauds.

Celent defines a claims fraud detection system as a system that helps insurance companies identify frauds in claims and consequently plan actions to mitigate them.

This report provides a detailed description of IT vendors and their offerings in the insurance claims fraud detection area. It profiles 19 IT vendors and is not restricted to a specific geography.