Targeted Marketing on the Home Front
Boston, MA, USA, February 2, 2001 Maximizing returns on retail Internet banking and brokerage investmentsIn a new report entitled "Targeting on The Home Front: Leveraging investments to turn data into gold," Celent Communications examines how targeted online marketing can increase cross sell rates by over 300%. Over the past few years financial institutions have poured billions of dollars in customer relationship management solutions and online platforms. However, many financial institutions have failed to integrate the two to improve their marketing strategies by engaging in targeted marketing on their Web sites. "Many financial institutions are wasting Web space and failing to capture tremendous cross-selling and up-selling capabilities which have a direct impact on customer retention rates," says Ariana-Michele Moore, the author of the report. "Posting highly targeted ads on a house Web site increases the marginal value of cross-selling by over 300%." A Table of Contents is available online for review. Celent Communications evaluates the following firms for their targeted Web solutions according to several variables including targeted capabilities, architecture and reporting options:
| of Celent Communication's Retail Banking and Retail Securities & Investments research services can download the report electronically by clicking on the icon to the left.