Key European GI Policy Admin Report published
21 July 2011
Catherine Stagg-Macey
The European Insurance team has been working hard over the Spring and Summer to produce one of our key reports Policy Administration Systems for General Insurers in Europe 2011. It's a topic of great interest to insurers wanting to replace their core underwriting system, and vendors wanting to have a view of the competitive landscape. This report uses Celent’s ABCD vendor view, which is a standard representation of a vendor marketplace designed to show at a glance the relative positions of each vendor in four categories: Advanced technology, Breadth of functionality, Customer base, and Depth of client services. The report also has the first four PAS systems XCelent Awards for Technology, Functionality, Customer Base, and Service. Since the first report in 2005, activity level has remained high among both insurers and policy administration system vendors. In the two years from January 2009 to January 2011, over 130 insurers had licensed a new policy administration system. Since 2007, the UK market has seen seven new entrants primarily from the United States. This adds to an already crowded space. And of these vendors, most (50%) are small with less than 10 clients and under $10 million in annual revenue. So the vendor market remains fragmented and challenging for the insurer buyer to navigate. Recent acquisition announcements of Accenture/Duck Creek and Sapiens and IDIT are not surprising. We can expect further consolidation in a tough market. Look out for the upcoming European PAS deal trends report which will explore this trend in more detail.