5 March 2019 17:00 - 8 March 2019 17:00 MST (19:00 EST, 00:00 GMT, 01:00 CET)
United States
Karlyn Carnahan will be a moderator at this year’s Valen 2019 Summit on 3/5/2019.
Our 2019 Summit theme is focused on evolving insurers to be technology-driven companies. Beyond the hype of InsureTech disruption, we focus on pragmatic approaches that will successfully position the insurance enterprise to adapt and succeed going forward. Whether it's the increasing adoption of data-driven decision making, emerging technologies gaining momentum, or staying relevant with modern customer expectations, insurers need to create their own approaches to keep up with the paradigm shifts and consequences of large-scale change.
Who should attend: Property and Casualty insurance executives focused on data analytics strategy and implementation.
Event details
Property & Casualty Insurance
Geographic Focus
North America