Solutions-focused roundtables for digital transformation professionals in banking & finance.
A unique opportunity to have quality conversations with the most senior digital transformation decision-makers in banking and finance and develop practical, real-world solutions to shared challenges.
Celent-hosted session:
Embedded Finance & Super Apps
Kieran Hines, Senior Banking Analyst
15:00-16:00, 27 October 2021
Embedded finance is hailed as a game-changing opportunity for banks – but what does it mean in practice? Discussing the place of banks & financial institutions in the embedded finance ecosystem, how to achieve tangible results and favourable outcomes. Who is applying what strategies and technologies?
Look east for the rise of the super apps. What is a bank’s role (e.g. becoming a super app itself or just being a utility in the chain), and how do you grapple with all the regulatory, compliance, integration and other issues? Who’s done what and to what degrees of success?
View the full agenda: https://informaconnect.com/dock-digital/agenda/1/