In response to COVID-19 and the unpredictability of travel plans for the short term, FinovateWest is going digital in 2020.
1100+ senior attendees. 50% from financial institutions. 30+ demoers. 120+ speakers. Hundreds of meetings. All delivered digitally. There's no better way to stay informed and find the next big advantage, before your competition does.
See how the startup ecosystem is responding to COVID-19. Learn about new innovations that are supporting customers today. Find the technologies and connections to keep you relevant tomorrow.
The agenda will feature expert-led sessions around 5 key industry topics that will be live streamed across 3 days. Plus, everything will be available to attendees on-demand after the event.
The digital event has been structured to make it easy for you to meet a global audience of innovators from the comfort of your own home or office. Create a personalized profile, send messages, arrange virtual meetings, and interact with speakers and fellow attendees in live chat Q&A and polls.
Every aspect of the program has been evaluated to ensure your digital experience will deliver maximum value.
Panel Session
Reimagining Workforce Effectiveness - Exploring The Changing Skillsets Needed In A Post Pandemic World
Celent Speaker: Daniel Latimore, Cheif Research Officer
Register now and save 20% - https://bit.ly/3dOAitj