Friday, December 7th 2018, 10:00-10:30 am (CET)
Net interest is the key earnings indicator for banks. Especially in times of low interest rates, it is of utmost importance to quickly recognize business-threatening interest rate risks. The ALM software solutions available today offer a multitude of complex functions and evaluation options—their license, implementation and maintenance, though, often require large efforts. Small and medium-sized banks, in particular, often face the challenge of either purchasing complex IT solutions or working with their own solutions. The latter, however, often has weak points regarding internal and external review processes.
We can offer you the alternative! The NII Analyzer helps you to instantly analyze your interest rate results—incurring no implementation effort and with a free 90 days trial. What do you get with this? A whole lot:
- Comprehensive analysis of net interest income (NII): Generate meaningful and sustainable reports on net interest income development that comply with international standards with just a few mouse clicks.
- Drill down function: The interest result can be split into each individual position; thereby making it easier to track by using volume and customer interest.
- Stress testing simulations: With the help of forward-looking interest rate risk management, you already know today how you will have to react tomorrow.
- Easy data import and intuitive user interface: NII Analyzer allows you to achieve your goals quickly: the simple import function for completion accounts and market data via predefined templates as well as the logical structure according to work steps help you with this.
In this live tutorial zeb will walk you through our solution NII Analyzer and show how quick, easy and efficient you can reach your goal!
You can easily log in to the webinar online from your workplace or home and directly ask questions or exchange ideas with the other participants.
For more information about zeb’s NII Analyzer please visit: http://control.zeb.eu/nii