Comarch Wealth Management is a multi-module platform dedicated to banks, wealth managers and investment companies to support wealth management processes in the form of personal advisory services on investment products or model portfolios as well as self-service advisory, addressing two sides of the chain – relationship managers representing the personal advice mode and end-customers allowing them for self-service processes in the online channel. One common logics supporting both channels aims at automating the advisory process and allows to continue it through multiple channels and share information between clients and their advisors.
The competitive edge of Comarch Wealth Management (CWM) stems from a unique combination of functionality which supports a variety of wealth management areas in compliance with regulations and institution’s internal policies.
Comarch Wealth Management consolidates information and issues on all assets belonging to affluent individuals, households and institutional clients. It supports financial institutions in providing a wide scope of wealth advisory services to retail, affluent and private banking segments of clients.
The main two channels constituting the CWM platform are Advisor Front Office and Client Front-End, supported by CWM Core Engine, Reporting Engine and Analytical Engine.
Key Features
Advisor Front-Office (AFO) is a solution dedicated to relationship managers, investment advisors and agents who advise clients on investment policies aligned with particular risk profiles, preferences, and other investment parameters.
In terms of Advisor Front-Office, we distinguish the following modules:
- Advisor dashboard – dedicated place for advisors/RMs to provide them with an overview of the current situations of their clients. The main goal of the advisor dashboard is to indicate the most desired actions to perform on clients and their portfolios.
- Client overview – used to create, maintain and monitor holistic picture of a customer through aggregation of data across various sources. It consolidates client's CRM data, accounts and holdings, goals and portfolios, notifications and alerts and much more.
- Performance and reporting - responsible for calculation of portfolio performance of customer assets (return, risk or contribution) in different periods, at the level of total client portfolio, single services (investment advice, execution only, portfolio management), individual goals/portfolios as well as single positions.
- Risk profiling – a mechanism responsible for customer assessment in terms of risk appetite, knowledge & experience, supported by various questionnaires, including suitability assessment as well as knowledge&experience surveys.
- Advisory process – an end-to-end process under the regime of investment advice. It is being comprised of various areas and actions that help come up with a dedicated and suitable client portfolio matching client needs and financial capabilities. The process consists of financial and investment objectives setup, strategic asset allocation advice, simulations, model portfolio and product-based advice, all finalized by recommendations, order proposal generation and necessary authorization and documentation.
- Execution only - module which supports operations related to processig orders on customer behalf.
- DPM onboarding - functionality that facilities procedures related to onboarding to the service of discretionary portfolio management. The module is in charge of customer risk profiling, strategy selection and import of DPM positions from external sources/systems.
- Simulations - functionality that allows to simulate different future scenarios for the client’s potential portfolio/goal growth as well as run comparison between the scenarios which helps come up with the most preferable investment approach for client portfolios in terms of risks (investment strategy), investment horizon, financial declarations and other parameters.
- Ex-ante costs analysis - feature supporting transparency in portfolio creation and overview of advice from the cost perspective. The functionality is responsible for a comprehensive breakdown of various costs related to buy and sell recommendations (entry, exit, ongoing fees and charges) and overview of impact of the fees on portfolio performance (cumulative cost effect).
- Order management – module responsible for aggregating and placing orders on fund units and securities traded on regulated markets (shares, ETFs, bonds, structured products) as well as order monitoring and management. The functionality is used in connection with transactional system(s) of financial institutions.
- Monitoring – in charge on ongoing portfolio, client and business monitoring in terms of inverstment limits, constraints and conditions set up for particular situations, actions and activities.
- Advisory and managerial analytics – dedicated set of analyses that provide advisors and managers with access to overview and breakdown of their business in terms of customer portfolios and positions as well as RMs’ sales activity. The functionality helps the decision makers monitor the overall business situation and easily reach to those customers who are mostly affected by market circumstances (poor performance, drop in portfolio value), out of compliance limits or attractive in terms of potential sales activities.
- Sales support – rule-based mechanism supporting business and sales genertion. It is responsible for ranking customers from the highest to the lowest sales potential based on pre-defined criteria. It also takes form of investment idea distribution based on matching product campaigns with characterisitcs of a customer and their investments.
- Communication – bridge between Advisor Front-Office and Client Front-End (or other customer channels), enabling two-way interaction between advisors and their customers (and vice versa). The interaction between Advisor Front-Office and Client Front-End can take the following forms: exchanging messages, sharing documents, distributing investment ideas from advisor channel to client channel.
Comarch Wealth Management Client Front-End (CFE) is a mobile application dedicated to end-customers of banks and financial institutions. It acts as a client channel where individual clients can carry out their wealth management journey themselves, in the self-service mode, via dedicated channels.
Client Front-End supports the following functionalities:
- Home & Profile – Home is responsible for reflecting value of customer portfolio and presenting KPIs while Profile is used for configuration of the application, settings and tutorial.
- Portfolio reporting – delivers client portfolio overview with a dynamic and interactive reporting functionality where the client can drill down, filter and analyze their portfolio from various angles. An additional functionality in the form of performance analysis complements the module with the most important investment analytics.
- Focus – used to equip customer with new investment opportunities, quick access to product details, news and notifications.
- Communication – in charge of running digital communication between the client and the financial institution. The module works in combination with Advisor Front-Office allowing for exchange of information and requests between the client application and advisor workplace
- Orders– responsible for initiation and entry of orders for investment products available in the application and investment service the customer is eligible for.
- Advisory– self-advisory process which is about defining financial and investment objectives with one-off or regular financial contributions, performing client risk and preference assessment, simulating potential gains and losses and finally recommending product/model portfolio.
Key Benefits
Comarch Wealth Management (CWM) will increase the value of your business in the field of investment advisory, portfolio management, reporting and client experience. Automated modules embedded in the platform amplify operational efficiency, which results in cost reduction, time savings and additional business generation. CWM’s proprietary end-to-end advisory process - from client onboarding, through relationship nurturing up to reporting will bring tangible advantages to your organization and your clients.
CWM lets you achieve better sales efficiency and higher conversion rates through personalized offering, client self-service activities and the finest user experience. Our tools, supported by AI and innovative delivery channels will enable your company to build an outstanding position in the market.
Comarch Wealth Management helps overcome regulatory burdens and rising costs. Through efficient, standardized and compliant advisory processes, it makes it easy to manage and deliver thorough and transparent investment advice.
Leverage complex data to improve employee experience
Many businesses compete primarily on the basis of customer experience, yet neglect the importance of employee experience. CWM treats your employees as if they were the primary customers - and adds to their experience. We provide employees with aggregared picture of the customer, performance and analytical tools to make their work smooth and efficient. Comarch Wealth Management prioritizes advisors’ tasks and activities by consolidating and monitoring vast data sets.
Increase advisors’ productivity and boost sales
CWM Sales support – one of the latest features in the platform – provides a wide range of possibilities for boosting employee productivity in terms of day-to-day operations. Equipped with this tool, the advisor receives a reliable list of clients with the highest likelihood of being interested in the most promising leads and accounts.
Advanced advisor dashboards sets a new standard of client management and monitoring. They allow to present data on global positions and general situation in advisor’s portfolio in order to highlight elements that are needed to deal with. Analyzing the information on both global and client level improves overall advisors’ results and helps oversee the business.
Put RM-client relationship first
CWM puts users first in every part of the investment advisory process. We enhance customer journey with process and data sharing between client and advisor, allowing for process continuity, data consistency and improved interaction.
Clients can get in touch with advisors using text messages but also take a peek into advisors’ calendars to schedule a meeting. With CWM, you can guide your clients towards financial discipline: thanks to investment ideas, notifications or automated rebalancing your clients always stay on top of growing their wealth.
Grow your business twice as fast
Through effective financial data integration across your business, managers & branch heads can measure various aspects of advisor operations. With Advisor and Managerial Analytics it is easy to get a clear, consolidated picture of a given advisor’s current performance and predict the future one.
Target multiple client types
CWM allows to approach various groups of clients in a more targeted and personalized way. For clients who require the highest attention, the system emphasizes the importance of seamless face-to-face customizable process, enriched with constant monitoring and effective ways of communication. Top and mass affluent clients can receive more standardized advisory, focused on automation. The system provides self-service advisory, covering end-to-end process with little or no advisor’s involvement. CWM can serve as a financial planning and portfolio building tool as well.
Shorten your time-to-market
CWM boasts the shortests time-to-market possible. Wide configuration possibilities make it easy to twak advisory process, goals, model portfolios, products and many more. Enhanced risk profiling process, including extended survey definitions reduces time needed for initial launch.
Webinar – How technology is satisfying the needs of the affluent across all generations in wealth management
Webinar – How technology is transforming the customer and advisor experience in wealth management
Intruducing the Finovate audience to Myra, an innovative, virtual in-car investment assistant employing conversational AI, voice recognition and voice synthesis. Myra’s job is to let affluent bank customers keep track of all their wealth without ever taking their eyes off the road.
Presentation of Comarch Wealth Management Front-End - an application for mobile devices that combines financial planning and investment advisory in one powerful solution, making wealth management completely personal. This revolutionary application inspires technology-oriented banks and relationship managers to use virtual reality (VR) in providing investment advice.
Product video