Opium.PSD2™ is a payment application programming interface (API) designed for banks and other account servicing payment service providers (ASPSP) to launch their open banking strategy and comply with EU Directive 2015/2366: Payment Service Directive II (PSD2). Our pragmatic and cost-efficient API is delivered as a secure turn-key solution and offered as a business process as a service. Opium.PSD2™ is an Open-Banking API that integrates with your web banking platform, complete with multi-factor strong customer authentication (SCA), eIDAS certification and accredited TPP verification. Our solution complies with the Berlin-Group standard for payment APIs. Take advantage of the opportunity to offer value-added services through an open banking API.
Key Features
▻ Synchronized Authorization Directory
▻ Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
▻ Business Process as a Service
▻ eIDAS certificates
Key Benefits
Thanks to its smart engine that automates workflows and that complies with Berlin-Group standards for payment APIs, the Opium.PSD2™ solution tremendously decreases TPP support as well as web service publications. The solution also ensures that both Sandbox and On-Premise platforms are synchronized through an authorization directory. That's the way we succeeded in issuing the most cost-efficient solution. Moreover, Opium.PSD2™ uses eIDAS certificates, meaning the highest level of qualified digital certificate for electronic signature.