GX Derivatives offers financial institutions a highly scalable, exception based platform to support the post-trade lifecycle for OTC derivatives. From trade affirmation and confirmation through to cashflow settlement, the solution consolidates processing of all asset classes onto a single, highly automated platform.
Key Features
OTC Trade Confirmations
- Manual Affirmations
- Automated and semi-automated template drafting of ISDA-standardised documentation via SmartDX™
- E-Confirmations to DTCC/DS Match and SWIFT
- Document generation workflow
- E-mail and fax document distribution
- Automated archiving of documents
- Outstanding confirmation tracking
- Notice generation
OTC Cashflows
- Pre-settlement matching & settlement triggering
- Payment and Reset Notices
- Netting
- SSI Derivation
Workflow Management
- Rule-based, event driven workflow
- 4 eyes check authorisation
Key Benefits
Global Single STP Platform
- Multi-entity, Multi-product and multi-currency capability
- Configurable and flexible rule-based workflow engine
- Delivering high-STP rate and real-time data processing, conforming to ISDA and regulatory standards
- Industry standard (FpML) messaging interface
- Multi-language support
- Out-of-the-box confirmation templates
Scalable, Efficient and Robust Processing
- Componentised architecture supports high-volume processing
- Robust application standardises operational processes
- Consolidated platform supports multi-asset processing within a single instance
White Papers
Product/Service details